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White House

Finding Forster

The antiliberal defenders of civilization—resisting the Ground Zero mosque—are wrong. Liberalism still offers the best hope for combating extremism.

Conservative Nation

Declarations of conservatism's demise after the 2008 election were greatly exaggerated. As the opposition, American conservatives are in their element—can they draw upon their intellectual tradition to solve what ails America?

Pariahs in Tehran

We shouldn't believe all we hear about the success of Obama's Iran strategy. The world needs to put a stranglehold on Tehran.

If Israel Attacks

As things stand, if Iran continues on its path toward obtaining the bomb, Israel will strike, and the consequences would be disastrous for the entire world. Here's how America can convince Israel to live with a nuclear Iran.

Unintelligent Design

In the wake of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, Americans cried out for catharsis. The 9/11 Commission delivered. What we are left with is an ill-conceived bureacracy in the guise of reform.

Latter-Day Sultans

Armed with pitch-perfect talking points for the Facebook generation, a clique of fortunate sons in the Middle East is set to take over their fathers' sclerotic dictatorships. But this is not regime change. Monarchy is back.


Pyongyang Is Still Deterred

It's the Asian powers, not the United States, that should worry about balancing North Korea's growing missile capability.

Accommodate Beijing?

A recent book has the right idea, but leaves policymakers to fill in the blanks.

The Assault on Chuck Hagel

The straw man polemics of the Nebraskan's critics shouldn't stop Obama from nominating him.


Let Sequestration Happen

The most dramatic option for cutting defense spending also may be the only viable one.

The New Pentagon Budget: Better, Not Great

The new budget guidance may be a step in the right direction, but it's a very small one.

Messing with the Separation of Powers

Congress has done too little of its proper functions. And now it's moving in on the executive branch's turf.

Books & Reviews

Revolutionaries Inside the Capitol

America's founding is a gripping tale of rivalry, treachery and ultimately triumph. The divisive politics of today are nothing compared to those now celebrated on the cliffs of Mt. Rushmore.

Punditry at the Drive-Thru

Peter Beinart's books represent the intellectual equivalent of what nutritionists call the empty-calorie principle.

America Under the Caesars

Anti-interventionists allege our leaders traded a strong, austere republic for a weak and sprawling empire predicated on a military might that could not match our own ambitions. This narrative negates real threats and real victories.

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December 21, 2012