Last Update 9:19
Egypt's beleaguered public prosecutor withdraws resignation
After resigning his position as public prosecutor Monday, Talaat Abdullah withdraws his resignation Thursday
Ahram Online , Thursday 20 Dec 2012
Views: 844
Talaat Abdullah
Public prosecutor Talaat Abdullah with Egypt's president Mohamed Morsi (Photo: Al-Ahram)

Public prosecutor Talaat Abdullah withdrew early Thursday his resignation presented to the Supreme Council of the Judiciary Tuesday

Abdullah, appointed by President Morsi, announced his resignation Monday night after hundreds of prosecutors held a sit-in at his office in downtown Cairo demanding his resignation. Abdullah announced that he would leave his office Sunday, following the referendum on the constitution.

Abdullah was appointed by Morsi in November in a controversial constitutional decree, replacing Abdel Meguid Mahmoud.

The decision by the president to appoint the public prosecutor drew significant criticism by law experts, politicians and judges who believe it amounts to direct interference from the executive power in the judicial domain, which seeks to guarantee its independence.

According to news reports, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary is holding a meeting Thursday afternoon to discuss Abdullah's sudden decision.


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Mads Doss
21-12-2012 01:02pm
Yes og no
Dear Mr. Talaat Abdullah, do you want the job or no??????
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