Georgetown University - Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry


Research Facilities and Support Personnel

The majority of the research facilities for the Chemistry Department is located in the Reiss Science, the White-Gravenor, and the Basic Sciences buildings.

Departmental instruments include:

  • single crystal and powder X-ray diffractometers (located in our X-ray diffraction facility)
  • five high-field nuclear magnetic spectrometers (two Varian 400-NMRs with autosamplers; one Inova 500 MHz and two 300 MHz instruments)
  • X-band EPR spectrometer (JEOL JES-FA200) with liquid He cryostat
  • two GC/MS instruments with autosamplers
  • a circular dichroism system and spectropolarimeter,
  • thermal analysis equipment, including both thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry systems,
  • ICP-MS Agilent 7700 CHN elemental analyzer
  • other instruments and equipment such as UV-vis and FT-IR spectrometers, and spectrofluorimeters, electrochemistry systems, ultracentrifuges, and cell growth equipment.

The department also maintains licenses for computational and modeling software packages for theoretical investigations.

Individual investigators' labs are equipped for carrying out investigations using such techniques as liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis, atomic force microscopy, single-photon counting, impedance spectroscopy, liquid chromatography/ electrochemistry, ellipsometry, and Raman spectrometry.system, solid-state NMR, live cell fluroescence imaging, cell and tissue culture, confocal laser scanning microscopy. AutoQuant deconvolution and associated mini tower platforms as well as a Linux cluster for high-end computational chemistry are also in use by individual research groups. Several groups are also equipped with glove boxes for work under dry and/or inert atmospheric conditions.

In addition to access to research facilities in the Chemistry Department, individual research groups have access to a broad range of fabrication, testing, and characterization equipment through the department’s associations with the Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology, the Georgetown Nanoscience and Microtechnology Laboratory, the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, or the Biomedical Graduate Research Organization.”

The department employs full-time electronics and instrumentation specialists for assistance with design and implementation of research equipment.

   page last updated: December 7, 2012
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