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Archive for May, 2006

Three US Attorneys Who Deserve to be Nailed to Trees: S. Robert Tice-Raskin, Laura L. Ferris and David Deitch

They are despicable barely-human pieces of government filth. Nazis. Liars. Read all about the injustice of the “Lodi Terrorist Cell” here. This shit stresses me out. What the Hell is this, East Germany? Pevious post on the subject here. Update: Raimondo’s take.

Submit Ideas for New Features

There are a million WordPress Widgets and plugins (I haven’t widgetized the theme yet, but I’m getting around to it) that can add all kinds of crazy features to this site. What I’m wondering is, what features would you like to see? Live Chat? More Newsfeeds in the sidebar? Random Quotes? Spyware infections? (just kidding. [...]

The Supremes Summer Tour 2006. Whistleblower Stop #1

They’ve done it again. Excellent. “WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Tuesday made it harder for government employees to file lawsuits claiming they were retaliated against for going public with allegations of official misconduct.” Read it over at Yahoo News

Laura Rozen on the Rockefellers Vs. Neocons Over Iran War

Boy, is it ever a hell of a thing to want the Rockefellers to win. Especially after reading Palast’s new book.

Rothbard on Barnes on Orwell on War

I am always amazed when I read Rothbard. I wonder if he and Bill Hicks are pals in the pretend after-life. Here is just one choice cut out of an incredible article about the great Harry Elmer Barnes: “One of Barnes

Quick note about comments

I thought I should explain some things about leaving comments here. We always welcome just about any comment from anyone, because we post here to discuss issues. We have, however, been receiving at least 2 dozen spam comments per day. These spammers create scripts that automate the process of sending comments, including filling out form [...]

Memorial Day

Mr. Lif wrote a song about it.

80th Sticker

When I sold my sticker company and my 600 something stickers, I also gave up control of the stickers and site. The time honored classic “I wish I could go back in time to murder Woodrow Wilson,” was removed by the current owner based upon some really crappy advice or something. Well, now I’m selling [...]

Chris Floyd on the Biggest Prison Population in the World (Ours)

“The ‘war on drugs’ has in fact been the most effective assault on an underclass since Stalin’s campaign against the kulaks.” Actually though, it was Nelson Rockefeller who invented the mandatory minimum sentence for possession.

Woodrow W. Bush

John M. Peters at LRC has written a great bit about how much George Bush reminds him of an earlier born-again, ivy league, disaster of a mass murderer of a president: Woodrow “ruiner of all things good” Wilson. I’d have to say I agree.

CIA Chief Admits To Torture After Six-Hour Beating, Electrocution

From The Onion LANGLEY, VA

Bush’s Place in History

According to Joe Sobran: Seldom has one man gotten on so many people

Centrifugal Force book


Chat with Scott during the show

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May 2006
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