Posted on 16th January 2013 by AWD in Economy

We haven’t had a good/nasty religion post for awhile.

As the concepts of good/bad, moral/amoral, right/wrong, ethical/unethical, legal/illegal become increasingly meaningless, you first have to do away with religion, which supports these values.

Hard work, thrift, family, honesty, and morality used to matter, and were values that made this country great.

All socialist/communist/fascist regimes have done away with or demonized religion. Only then can they perpetrate amazing acts of terror, murder, and subjugation of the masses. Government=God.

Liberals, progressives and democrats made a point of excluding God from their platform at the convention this summer. If you want to be treated and rule like God, first you have to destroy the real God. For many people, religion is their way of accessing God. Get rid of religion, make people slaves to government handouts, subjugate the masses with debt slavery, and feed them a constant 24/7 stream of icrap and media propaganda, and you can do whatever you want.

Religion, one of the stabilizing boards being removed from the platform of this country (the burning platform of this country).

“Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” –William Penn


19 Numbers Which Prove That America Is Turning Away From Christianity

The decline of the Christian faith in America is accelerating. The results of a new survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life were just released, and the numbers are staggering. The percentage of all U.S. adults with no religious affiliation at all is nearly up to 20 percent. Even more frightening, 32 percent of all U.S. adults under the age of 30 have no religious affiliation whatsoever.

Meanwhile, the percentage of the U.S. population that is Protestant has hit an all-time low. Sadly, this new survey just confirms what a whole bunch of other surveys have shown over the past few years. The truth is that America is very clearly turning away from Christianity. Right up front I will disclose that I am a Christian, so I consider this to be a very bad thing. Others that are reading this may consider the statistics below to be wonderful news. But what we should all be able to agree on is that the long-term trends clearly show that Americans are increasingly rejecting the Christian faith. So what does this mean for the future of our nation? Where does America go from here? Those are very interesting questions.

Once upon a time, the Christian faith had an overwhelming influence on every day life in America. Even as late as 1972, a whopping 62 percent of all Americans were Protestant and an astounding 93 percent of all Americans claimed to be affiliated with a religion of one sort or another.

But now things are dramatically changing.

Posted below are 19 numbers which prove that America is turning away from Christianity. The first 10 numbers are from the new survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life that was just released on Tuesday….

#1 Nearly one-fifth of all U.S. adults have no religious affiliation whatsoever. Back in 1972, only 7 percent of all U.S. adults had no religious affiliation.

#2 The number of Americans with no religious affiliation has grown by 25 percent over the past five years.

#3 The younger you are the more likely you are not to be affiliated with a religion. 9 percent of all U.S. adults that are 65 or older have no religious affiliation, but a whopping 32 percent of all U.S. adults under the age of 30 have no religious affiliation.

#4 88 percent of those that are religiously unaffiliated “are not looking for religion”.

#5 73 percent of the religiously unaffiliated support gay marriage and 72 percent of the religiously unaffiliated support legalized abortion.

#6 The religiously unaffiliated now make up 24 percent of all registered voters “who are Democrats or lean Democratic”.

#7 For the first time ever, Protestants do not make up a majority of the U.S. population. In 2007, Protestants made up 53 percent of the U.S. population, but now they only make up 48 percent of the U.S. population. Way back in 1972, Protestants made up 62 percent of the U.S. population.

#8 29 percent of all U.S. adults “seldom or never attend religious services”.

#9 51 percent of all U.S. adults believe that churches and other religious organizations “are too concerned with money and power”.

#10 66 percent of all U.S. adults believe that religion is “losing its influence on American life”.

Here are some more numbers which show that Christianity is declining in America….

#11 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Americans with “no religion” more than doubled between 1990 and 2008.

#12 According to the American Religious Identification Survey, only 76 percent of all Americans identified themselves as “Christian” of one type or another in 2008. Back in 1990, 86 percent of all Americans identified themselves as “Christian” of one type or another.

#13 A study conducted by the Barna Group discovered that nearly 60 percent of all Christians in the 15 to 29 year old age bracket are no longer actively involved in any church.

#14 As I have written about previously, Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America according to the latest U.S. Religion Census. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of Muslims living inside the United States increased by approximately 1 million to a total of 2.6 million.

#15 According to a professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Kentucky, there were approximately 1,200 mosques in the United States back in the year 2000. Now there are more than 2,100.

#16 It is being projected that the percentage of Americans attending church in 2050 will be about half of what it is today.

#17 One survey conducted a while back found that 52 percent of all American Christians believe that “at least some non-Christian faiths can lead to eternal life”.

#18 According to a study done by LifeWay Research, membership in Southern Baptist churches will fall by close to 50 percent by the year 2050 if current trends continue.

#19 LifeWay Research has also found that 46 percent of all Americans never even think about whether they will go to heaven or not.

If you are a Christian, those numbers should be very sobering. The Church is most definitely losing ground in the United States.

It should be noted that Christianity is definitely not in danger of disappearing. The Christian faith is experiencing absolutely explosive growth in Africa, South America and even in places such as China.

According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, there are approximately 2.2 billion Christians in the world. That makes it the largest religion in the world by far.

But in the United States, Christianity is most definitely in decline.


Has Liberal Politics All but Replaced God?

Both national and local government have become more pervasive and intrusive. Many people see these entities as their “salvation” and many more have turned away from the time-honored religion of the past.

Is this a temporary phenomenon or is socialized government, healthcare, and group thinking replacing God?

It’s all in the propaganda machine and who controls it. For several decades the liberals have controlled television, newspapers, and motion picture entertainment. Almost every facet of media is laden with propaganda trumpeting the liberal agenda.

The ruling elites can and do create a false sense that they through the government can do everything from create life-giving miracles, save you from having to work, save the planet, to producing a pseudo-jesus and pseudo mother mary.

He’s not who he appears to be. Take the example of Barack Obama who came onto the national scene suddenly in 2007. He came too suddenly for anyone to know much about Obama. Does he make the perfect “jesus” with a slogan Hope and Change? They all have a political message that leans far to the left.

The propaganda elites can — when it is expedient — allow them to be pseudo-crucified and move on to another set of pseudo-religious icons.

The propaganda machine can create devils and demons and super heroes. Adolph Hitler is the demon while Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx, and Mao are heroes to some. They were all responsible for millions of deaths. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, who have set up or led brutal mind-numbing dictatorships, are heroes to others.

Many ordinary people have given over their children to be educated by these godless elite.


  1. AWD says:


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    16th January 2013 at 2:13 pm

  2. Eddie says:

    The Evangelicals and their neo-con agenda have given Christianity a bad name. I’m not surprised many Protestant Christian churches are losing their young people. I think the hardcore pro-lifers and school prayer advocates have alienated most thiinking young people.

    Most Americans never were into legislating morals. The religious right is (was?) a fringe movement in Christianity, started, I’m sorry to say, by backward southern pastors intent on turning back the clock on science and using the ample ignorance of their flocks to promote their conservative political agendas.

    I view it as one major facet of the demise of the Republican party, too. It’s tied together.

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    16th January 2013 at 2:21 pm

  3. Jeebus, Son of God says:

    You wouldn’t know belief in Me is in decline in America based on all the Prayer Requests I get. Why, just yesterday I got 9,485,947 just from Iowa alone.

    Over 2 million were requests to “bless this food to our bodies”. Honestly, I have no idea what the hell that means. Iowa has more fat asses than any other state so maybe they magically want me to reduce their 5,000 calorie KFC dinner to just 1,000 calories? I don’t have that kind of mojo. Frieda Schwansenessen in Webster City actually prayed over her Twinkie. Even I don’t know WTF is in a Twinkie, so “blessing it to her body” is out of the question.

    – John Huvround in Mt Vernon has a bunion on his toe that he wants healed.

    – Jane Titendorf, a 15 yr old heifer in Indianola is praying really really hard that she’s not pregnant.

    – efarmer wants to know if it’s in My Will that he starts posting on No. He should give Jane Titendorf a call.

    – First Baptist Church in Oskaloosa is agonizing over when to host their Annual Pot Luck dinner.

    And so it goes, one mundane friggin Prayer Request after another. Several hundreds of billions each and every day, and that’s just from Christians. I get over a trillion prayers from Mooslims to annihilate the Joos, which is weird because they’ve been asking me to do that for about 1,300 years. They are persistent fuckers, I gotta hand them that. But I am considering having my pal Imadinnerjacket do the deed.

    So, pardon Me if I tell you this, but I don’t really give a Satan’s Ass if America abandons their belief in Me. Christ, I need a friggin break!!!!

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    16th January 2013 at 2:22 pm

  4. AWD says:

    Kids have been re-educated according to the dictates of the progressive liberal party.

    The unions, politicians, and the government have done their work well. Approximately 50% of kids graduating high school have a favorable opinion of socialism.


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    16th January 2013 at 2:30 pm

  5. AWD says:


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    16th January 2013 at 2:35 pm

  6. KaD says:

    Is it any wonder Christianity is losing people in droves after decades of turning their heads the other way while priests raped children? Whose fault is that? The Catholic Church’s maybe?

    While I belive Christian values are good ideas I’m not a Christian myself and I don’t believe someone has to be a Christian (or Muslim, or Jew) to have good moral values. I personally know three atheists who have very high moral standards and who are critical thinkers, something religious fascism of any kind doesn’t help instill by its very nature.

    The Founding Fathers never wanted ONE religion to be backed by the state, after the Spanish Inquisition I think they figured out what that led to.

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    16th January 2013 at 2:36 pm

  7. Administrator says:


    You should read American Theocracy by Kevin Philips. He ties it all together.

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    16th January 2013 at 2:43 pm

  8. Jimi d says:

    With god all things are possible. Whithout god anything is possible.

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    16th January 2013 at 2:45 pm

  9. Eddie says:

    Sorry, I think kids get their religion, or lack thereof, from their parents primarily. I don’t think the State isthat good at indoctrination. Why should they be so good at that, when they can’t do anything else right?

    I think the Muslims are proliferating for two reasons. One is that they, as a demographic group, are out-reproducing the rest of the planet…especially since the Chinese instituted mandatory birth control. The other reason is that they are really devout, and they raise their kids to be devout..or else.

    I think some kind of spiritual renaissance is coming to this country…because people seem to need God in their lives. Whether or not that turns out to be a Christian spiritual renaissance depends a lot on whether the Christian churches can find a message that relates to 21st century American people and their norms and mores.

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    16th January 2013 at 2:46 pm

  10. efarmer says:

    Jeebus says “– efarmer wants to know if it’s in My Will that he starts posting on No. He should give Jane Titendorf a call.

    Fricking hilarious. Except that, as I’m sure you already know, my travel agent is putting the moves on me, so no young heifer need apply.


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    16th January 2013 at 3:04 pm

  11. Stucky says:

    “Posted below are 19 numbers which prove that America is turning away from Christianity.”

    So what !! Why should anyone care? In fact, the fewer Christians there are the better — the world could use fewer hypocrites.

    At the time the Gospels were written 99.9999999999% of the world was not Christian. I refer to that time as ‘the good old days’.

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    16th January 2013 at 3:11 pm

  12. Jeebus says:


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    16th January 2013 at 3:13 pm

  13. Jeebus, Son of God says:

    God damn doppleganger above.I mean that literally. God (me) DAMN that doppler!!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 4

    16th January 2013 at 3:17 pm

  14. Jeebus, Son of God says:


    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4

    16th January 2013 at 3:19 pm

  15. ThePessimisticChemist says:

    I am one of those “god-less Americans” however I like to think that it sets me free. From my viewpoint organized religion is just another method of control, and we have plenty enough of that in this country.

    That being said, personal spirituality, morals, and family bonds are all things that organized religion frequently encourages and those three things are the very glue that ties together humanity.

    Just because I don’t need a religion, doesn’t mean anyone else should either.

    MY problem comes in when we ram christian theology down everyone’s throats, like its some paragon of truth that no other faith can touch on.

    The American Government must not be governed or controlled by one faith as it is meant to protect all faiths.

    Anyways, my post has rambled enough and I could go on all day about this. Here’s a couple of summary bullet points:

    1) Strong family bonds, morality, ethics. These are what our country needs. Whether people get it from worshipping God, Thor or the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn’t matter, as long as they have them.

    2) Islam is a religion founded in blood, and based 100% upon the subjugation of its members. Its spread is more worrisome than Christianity’s decline.

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    16th January 2013 at 3:19 pm

  16. Jeebus, Son of God says:


    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 4

    16th January 2013 at 3:21 pm

  17. AWD says:

    I find it interesting, with all the comparisons between Obama, the liberal progressive democrats as fascists/socialists and the Nazis, that so many Jews voted for Obama. How many Jews voted for Hitler on his rise to power?

    Jewish Vote Goes 69 Percent For Barack Obama: Exit Polls

    WASHINGTON — Exit polls indicate that President Barack Obama received 69 percent of the Jewish vote Tuesday. Partisans have just begun to argue whether that was an overwhelming endorsement or the latest evidence that one of the Democratic Party’s most reliable constituencies is becoming less so with every presidential election.

    On what was otherwise a dismal night for Mitt Romney, Jewish Republicans boasted they had increased their market share compared to 2008, when American Jews gave Obama either 74 percent, according to one large voter sampling, or 78 percent, as is more broadly reported.


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    16th January 2013 at 3:22 pm

  18. AWD says:


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    16th January 2013 at 3:27 pm

  19. napari says:

    Im on Gods side TYVM but I have to ask myself and all what in the world were we thinking when we put homosexual priests and others in charge and had the blind faith to give them control over the children? We all need to step up and provide a safe secure environment for all the children.
    For those who suffered we have to purge the bad out if the system and be ever vigilant and watchful and never again take anything for granted. We all have a lot to be sorry for….

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    16th January 2013 at 3:37 pm

  20. napari says:

    I happen to have a lot of jewish influence in my life and I have been absolutely bewildered at the support obama received from the jewish vote. As best as I can figure….they voted their wallets like most others. So whether obama bought his vote with welfare or government jobs he promised more than the other guy.

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    16th January 2013 at 3:44 pm

  21. Stucky says:

    American Joos are a Self-Loathing lot. They will cut their noses to spite their face. We have some Jewish friends …. it’s hard to like them.

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    16th January 2013 at 3:45 pm

  22. sangell says:

    I used to enjoy Jimmy Swaggart when he had his national TV show. I’m not a church going type but to use polling data to judge the religiousity of the public for political purposes can be misleading. As Jimmy Swaggart noted there are a lot of ‘dead churches, preaching dead religions to empty congregations and while the left will trot out a liberal ( or liberationist) clergyman/woman or transsexual on occasion it has been liberal churches that have suffered the largest decline in membership.

    A few years back the Episcopalian Church decided it was time for an alcoholic gay bishop and most of the congregants went one way and most of the clergy the other way ( in more ways than one in my opinion!).

    I was surprised at the reaction in post religious England over David Cameron’s decision to allow gay marriage there. Seems even the liberal clergy who run the museums that pass for Church of England churches these days, whatever their personal views ( and practices) may have been realized the few remaining parishioners they had weren’t keen on gay weddings taking place in the shire church. There seems to be vestigial affection for Christianity in Britain that may grow stronger as multicultural and new age nonsense gets rammed down the throat of the average pub goer by the elites and the Church may be a rallying point for this opposition.

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    16th January 2013 at 3:56 pm

  23. napari says:

    I’m as dumb as a box of rocks and twice as ugly. Would be please elaborate on the loathing? i really want to understand this self loathing concept.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:08 pm

  24. Kill Bill says:

    A woman is being held at the Lubbock County Detention Center after she reportedly set her apartment on fire because it was the “will of God” and then assaulted a police officer

    Dear Jeebus Son of God.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:11 pm

  25. Stucky says:


    self loathing utes

    actual self loathing Joo (Rosanne Barr)

    self-loathing Joo cat

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    16th January 2013 at 4:18 pm

  26. Kill Bill says:

    All socialist/communist/fascist regimes have done away with or demonized religion -AWD

    Why demonize religion when Judaism, Christianity and Islamic all do such a great job demonizing one another…

    I really wish they would stop.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:20 pm

  27. Stucky says:

    “I used to enjoy Jimmy Swaggart when he had his national TV show.” —- sangell

    Note To Self: (sangell is more fucked in the head that I thought possible.)

    Jimmy. Horrible preacher. Great taste in titties.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:26 pm

  28. Kill Bill says:

    A New Hampshire lawyer who works with a virulently anti-gay Christian-right organization has been found guilty of child pornography charges after videotaping her own daughter having sex with two men on multiple occasions.

    Lisa Biron, 43, of Manchester faces a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison after a jury convicted her yesterday. The jury deliberated for less than an hour.

    Biron, arrested by the FBI last November, was accused of eight felony counts involving the videotaping of men having sex with a 14-year-old girl who was identified by the Associated Press as her daughter. She also allegedly made a cellphone video of herself having sex with her daughter.

    Biron, who claimed on her Facebook page (which was taken down, according to the Concord Monitor) that the Bible was her favorite book, had worked with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, in defending a Pentecostal church in Concord in a tax fight against the city


    Well, if that aint some seriously demented stuff. And no I am not blaming the bible, it is just so mind boggling hypocritical

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    16th January 2013 at 4:26 pm

  29. Chicago999444 says:

    As an atheist, I have no excuse for acts of immorality perpetrated on others or their rightful property.

    I can’t claim that (Jeses, God, Allah, ets) told me to do it.

    Study the historical record and tell me once more that the same religion and Bible that have endorsed slavery, the extermination of entire populations, the subjugation and mistreatment of women, child abuse, rape, and the murder of thousands of people (mostly ugly old women) by burning at the stake for “witchcraft” has anything to teach us about morality.

    And, while the criminals of our black ghettos might not observe religion outside the prison walls, their mommas and sistas and baby mammas sure do pack the storefront ghetto churches, for all the good it does them. I never saw any of these people change their behavior because of nearly nightly attendance at storefront revivals replete with hollaring, moaning, praisin’ da lord, and rolling on the floor, nor from jailhouse conversions- somebody remarked that Jesus must hang out in prisons a lot because that’s where lots of folks find him.

    The whole point of going to church for most white middle income folk back in olden times was to maintain social connections and be part of the community. It ceased to be relavent when people started moving around, or being moved, to a new locale to live among strangers every 2 years- yet another pernicious trend launched during the “high” era. In 1946, chances were that you lived in the same town or urban nabe your family had lived in for at least 3 generations if not longer, but by 1970, the populations of these towns and neighborhoods were being scattered first to suburbs, then to other cities and towns at the whims of employers. My own family- the maternal grandfather’s- goes back over 200 years in St. Louis, yet there are only two of us who know each other remaining there now. The rest of all four branches of our united clans scattered to the four winds decades ago- by 1970, I had family all over the west and southwest, and do not know their children at all. Many beautiful urban churches closed as their congregations decamped to scattered suburbs, and the new mega churches in far flung burbs could never replace these magnificent old places, often with adjoining graveyards in which you can see congregants’ ancestors interred going back clear to the 1850s and even before, and where generations of the same interlocking families were married, christened, and given funeral rights, not to mention where they attended socials and services and charity events and often, school.

    The end of cheap fossil fuel just might put an end to the constant migration and permit people to settle in and be part of a community again,.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:35 pm

  30. Stucky says:

    Who the fuck is ‘Jeses’? Is he powerful? Does he do cool tricks?

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    16th January 2013 at 4:37 pm

  31. Gayle says:

    The problem with Christianity is it’s just not cool. Why would young people (Eddie, I’m not sure how you define “young person”) want to subject themselves to the hopelessly dull routines of religious practice when Jersey Shore, internet porn, and incessant texting are but some of the lures captivating their attention? The really exciting people in the world are corrupt and debased for the most part and the leadership of our country displays a breathtaking lack of moral acumen. What is there about spiritual discipline that could remotely interest them? Does the media machine ever hold up a great person who displays a true Christian lifestyle as any sort of role model? (oh yeah, Tim Tebow did have his 15 minutes – probably because he was hopelessly strange.)

    Christianity has a terrible p.r. problem because it’s adherents are flawed human beings. They screw up just like everybody else. Despite this, the Church carries on. As the post explained, just because Christianity is on the wane in America does not mean it is dying everywhere.

    I do know one thing about God: He doesn’t force himself on anybody, and if you really want Him to leave, he will accommodate you.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:39 pm

  32. flash says:

    people can smell bullshit from wherever it wafts…pulpits included.People may be leaving the churches in droves , but they’re returning to God in ever larger numbers..
    Faith as economic artifact
    Right on the socionomic schedule, the growth of the irreligious population begins to slow:
    “After years of marked growth, the size of Americans who identify with no religion slowed in 2012, according to a study released Thursday. Since 2008, the percentage of Americans who identify as religious “nones” has grown from 14.6% to 17.8% in 2012, according to the Gallup survey. That number, which grew nearly one percentage point every year from 2008 to 2011, grew only 0.3% last year – from 17.5% in 2011 to 17.8% in 2012 – making it the smallest increase over the past five years….

    Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of Gallup, says these results suggest “that religion may be maintaining itself or even increasing in the years ahead.” “Our current ability to look at it over five years with these big surveys suggests the possibility that the growth [of the nones] may not be inexorable,” Newport says….

    Atheist and humanist activists disagree and pushed back against the Gallup study.”

    Given that the vast economic depression that began in 2008 still hasn’t even been officially recognized, it should be no surprise that the pendulum has merely slowed, and not turned entirely. I find it amusing that the atheists and humanists are so openly anti-science; one wonders what, precisely, their argument for the continued decline of religion might be founded upon.

    What should actually concern the atheist and humanist activists is not the socionomic prediction that non-religious identification will decline as economic conditions continue to worsen. What should bother them is that the growth in religious “nones” considerably outpaces the growth of those willing to identify themselves as atheism. Not only do Low Church Atheists not identify with High Church Atheists, they often have a more favorable view of the religious than they do of their “fellow” atheists.

    As for the inevitable appeal to “the youth”, the linear projections never pan out for the obvious reason that young people are stupid, inexperienced, and clueless. Eventually, most of them grow out of it.

    Labels: atheism, religion

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    16th January 2013 at 4:54 pm

  33. Muck About says:

    Ach… I’ve been an atheist since I was 20 years old (an escaped Catholic – thank “God”!) when I asked a priest about birth control and he told me to use rubbers because everyone else did (including him – believe it or not!) and “God” was flexible on the subject.

    Not being a good hypocrite, I’ve never been inside a church since and never intend too either.

    One can be a very moral and an excellent human being without giving any credit or belief to religion. “Moral” is concerned with right and wrong, good and evil, not belief in some whizbang “God” created by man’s imagination and used to finagle stupid people to do immoral things in the name of that “God”.

    That’s why I dislike practicing Islam, Catholics, WASPS and Jews equally.. They all use “religion” and “God” to justify their immoral treatment of women and anyone who doesn’t profess the same belief as they do.

    Fuck ‘em all. One simple rule; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” is sufficient for me to follow in all things, provides moral guidance with truth and no hypocrisy and at the end of the day, allows you to sleep well, knowing you did your best to be a decent human being.


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    16th January 2013 at 5:23 pm

  34. Eddie says:

    Young people? I just think most people make their minds up about their religious beliefs, or decide religion is a crock, by the time they are in their mid-twenties at the latest.

    Some people spend a lifetime seeking spiritual fulfillment, and never make up their minds. But there aren’t many of those, Some people apparently get hit between the eyes with a bolt of enlightenment while they’re meditating. I keep waiting for that.

    Re: Jimmy Swaggart. He never had a chance when Satan put on his Jessica Hahn costume. That girl was smokin’ hot, and you can’t convince me she didn’t know what she was doing from the get-go. She was a piece of work.

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    16th January 2013 at 5:25 pm

  35. sangell says:

    Now leave my boy Jimmy alone. It wasn’t he who had air conditioned dog houses, gold faucets and Jessica Hahn on the payroll. That was that little twit Jimmy Bakker. Swaggart was very frugal with the parishioners money spending only $15 for few minutes with a street hooker.

    His sermons rocked too. I still have on video tape his circa 1984 “I’m Sick of It” sermon. What a masterpiece it was too. ” I’m sick of the Khomeini’s, the Khadafy’s and the Castro’s, I’m sick of liberal preachers committing high treason behind the pulpits of America, I’m sick of ERA, ACLU and G-A-Y-S and I’m sick of pill popping, cigarette sucking, cock snorting, beer guzzling, freakish rock stars!

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    16th January 2013 at 5:44 pm

  36. KaD says:

    Napari: I’m not sure if you don’t know the difference in terms? Homosexuals are men attracted to men or women attracted to women. Homosexuals are NOT attracted to children. Pedophiles are attracted to children.

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    16th January 2013 at 6:19 pm

  37. Eddie says:

    My bad, it was Jim Bakker. How could I forget a great Christian like him? Wasn’t Jimmy Swaggart cousins with Jerry Lee Lewis? And…also Mickey Gilley maybe. I’m from East Texas. i know these things deep down. It’s just been a while..sorta all runs together. hehehe.

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    16th January 2013 at 6:40 pm

  38. Eddie says:

    One simple rule; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” is sufficient for me to follow in all things, provides moral guidance with truth and no hypocrisy and at the end of the day, allows you to sleep well, knowing you did your best to be a decent human being.”

    —– Matthew 7:12

    You can take the boy out of the Church, but you cannot take the Church out of the boy…at least not completely. Good advice from the Priest too, imho, on the condom thing. I wish somebody had told me that.

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    16th January 2013 at 6:53 pm

  39. Stucky says:

    ” … I’m sick of pill popping, cigarette sucking, cock snorting, beer guzzling, ..” — sangell

    I am intimately familiar with three of the above.

    But, please explain “cock snorting”. Please provide pics. mmm-k?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0

    16th January 2013 at 6:59 pm

  40. fool on the hill says:

    I think hell is a fantasy that believers have so they can have the feeling that injustices will somehow be punished.

    They indulge this because they lack the moral fiber to stand up and do something about the wrongs in the world.

    Anyone can do the easy stuff.

    Cops like giving tickets but wont go near the meth labs around here.

    Then we have the Catholic Church and their dog shit ….er ah dogma.

    The crusades were not about freeing the holy land.

    They destroyed the greatest collection of written knowledge at the time……the library at Alexandria.

    The Arabic sciences at the time easily exposed the Churches line of baloney.

    If you doubt me:

    Just try doing long division in roman numerals.

    Karl Marx probably underestimated human greed and sloth when he devised Communism.

    I would say he hit the nail squarely with “Religion the opiate of the masses.”

    “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”

    I’m betting that it was not spoken by one of the strong.

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    16th January 2013 at 7:22 pm

  41. Administrator says:

    “Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.”

    ― Aldous Huxley

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0

    16th January 2013 at 7:25 pm

  42. Jesus's Wife says:

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    16th January 2013 at 7:37 pm

  43. Jesus's Wife says:

    Napari, please. Homosexuals are people who are attracted to those of the same sex. Think consenting adults, here. You might think it’s icky, but it’s certainly not hurting anyone. I think tomatoes are icky. Lots of people eat them.

    Pederasts are people who like to molest kids. Please do not confuse pederast priests with homosexuals.

    Just making sure your vocabulary is where it needs to be.

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    16th January 2013 at 7:42 pm

  44. Pirate Jo says:

    Eddie, ever since the Fourth Turning started with The Big Lebowski, pedophiles have been called pederasts. Keep up, or thou shalt be smited.

    - Jesus’s Wife, er I mean, Pirate Jo

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    16th January 2013 at 7:49 pm

  45. Pirate Jo says:

    “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”

    “What Jesus fails to realize is, it’s the meek who are the problem!”

    The Life of Brian

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    16th January 2013 at 7:51 pm

  46. Chicago999444 says:

    Stucky: Sorry for the misspelling Jesus, I was on lunch and was typing fast on a strange keyboard.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0

    16th January 2013 at 8:24 pm

  47. ALAN OSTROWSKY says:

    I feel that America will fall for two reasons.

    One – it is fast loosing it’s Christian values and belief in God. (Not belief in the Antichrist Pope and the Catholic system OR any man/woman which tries to control others in a church arrangement)

    Two – America is the epitome of Anal ism. It is not the center of the universe.

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    16th January 2013 at 8:59 pm

  48. chen says:

    two books i meant to read back in the early 80′s but didn’t: Superpower and The Bankers. now, i would combine those titles to form a new book title, SuperBankers. america the superpower has been coopted by bankers so that it is a zombie nation, guided or used by international bankers for their own profit rather than for the protection of its inhabitants. this zombie state will be allowed to prosper because if there is anything people respect, it is money. it seems people get really religious about money in recessionary times and the bankers today are the high priests of mammon, as if money had the power to save anyone’s mortal soul. it used to be that atheists had a bad name in america, now they seem to be a voice of reason; a check on further paganism. i’m not sure if an atheist would place his faith in money, yet professed believers do so as a matter of course.
    before you call me a hater if you worship money, i am in favor of making money as it is the best way of keeping people employed and their needs met. i am not in favor of handing out money unless that money is yours to hand out. overabundance tends to cheapen whatever currency is being used, beads, paper or genitalia. because the people cried out for meat (cash) until god determined to give them meat until it came out their noses. these churches that pray for money, they will see the day when they cry, enough, we have more cash than we can use because no one needs it. when the current situation runs its course, we shall find the excess has been drained and a drought will make the currency precious again.

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    16th January 2013 at 9:46 pm

  49. rune says:

    those making wisecracks about swaggart and bakker, i will say, the enemy has no quarrel with you when you are safely in his clutches. as malcolm forbes liked to qoute, “with all thy getting, get wisdom”. read the bible – it is the truth.

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    16th January 2013 at 10:15 pm

  50. Jeebus, Son of God says:

    Somebody, anybody, tell me what the fuck Chen is talking about.

    Otherwise, I shall smite him.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0

    16th January 2013 at 11:14 pm

  51. Father of Jeebus says:

    I understand, Chen, don´t worry….He needs to learn to make full sentences and avoid commata, but otherwise he will be ok – one day.

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    16th January 2013 at 1:05 am

  52. napari says:

    to Jesus wife:
    What would you call homosexual men who sexually abused children? You cannot take fluffy feel good of two consenting adult males and ignore the pedophiles.

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    16th January 2013 at 4:54 am

  53. rune says:

    Jeebus, Son of God, smite me, you little hunchback dwarf. you couldn’t stun a fly.

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    16th January 2013 at 8:49 am

  54. Stucky says:

    Looks like my question about what is “cock snorting” will go unanswered.

    One possibility ….

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    16th January 2013 at 9:12 am

  55. Stucky says:


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    16th January 2013 at 9:13 am

  56. John A says:

    “A woman is being held at the Lubbock County Detention Center after she reportedly set her apartment on fire because it was the “will of God” and then assaulted a police officer

    Dear Jeebus Son of God.”

    Kill Bill,

    This woman’s problem isn’t Christianity or any religious faith. She’s fucking nuts. Thanks for the comment.

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    16th January 2013 at 9:15 am

  57. AWD says:


    Human Progress

    Statists, who I call regressives, are currently fond of calling themselves “progressives” (a few years ago they preferred the label “liberal”). One of the characteristics they seem to invariably share is their subversion of the language to suit their own perception of the world. And one of their subversions has inverted the ladder of human progress, allowing them to place themselves on the top rung.

    However, this is merely another subversion of reality which they do, indeed, engage in liberally. In the liberal spirit, I’ve taken the liberty of creating a little presentation which shows the steps of humanity’s honest pursuit of truth. Truth is a constant for all cultures in all times, and essentially is a way of defining what works – be it the course of the universe’s constituent galaxies, the star and planetary relationships, the earth’s ecosystem, or mankind’s interactions with his fellows and his world throughout his species’ time on this earth.

    The ladder is not strictly hierarchical. Sometimes the rungs blur or merge, for individuals and societies. But the progression is empirically valid.

    Some individuals and societies never even grasp the second rung. Others may go higher, then plunge down if they see continued progress as requiring too much effort, or decide to pursue idolatry rather than truth. Unlike many individuals over the course of history, no society has ever grasped the top rung. That is to be expected. It’s humanly impossible. There is no collective Salvation.

    Our society has decided the ladder needs to be turned upside-down. Problem with that is, the ladder’s bottom rung is fixed to the world, and society winds up only turning itself.

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    16th January 2013 at 10:44 am

  58. rune says:

    AWD – great chart. one seeker here was wondering if he had a purpose, to which i replied that he has freedon of choice and a decision to make. perhaps this chart lays it out for the guy.

    “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”

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    16th January 2013 at 11:05 am

  59. AWD says:

    Over all, not a bad post. It’s tough to get people fighting these days. Sensory overload I guess.

    This country has abandoned God, so God has abandoned this country.


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    16th January 2013 at 4:36 pm

  60. rune says:

    For the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me, and that which I was afraid of has come unto me.
    americans have sent bush a message, we are not willing to fight for a christian nation, the terrorists have indeed won.

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    16th January 2013 at 5:10 pm

  61. rune says:

    we’d rather switch than fight. remember that old benson and hedges ad? oops tarryton

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    16th January 2013 at 5:12 pm

  62. AWD says:

    Not sure what your point is, but anything and everything is available on the ‘net, including old cigarette ads.


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    16th January 2013 at 5:43 pm

  63. Gayle says:

    One last comment, actually a question. By the way, I enjoyed the discussion, AWD

    Why in the name of Allah are so many Muslims deciding to immigrate here and bring up their children in this depraved culture? I think some Christian parents could enlighten them about the challenges they will face keeping their kids on the straight and narrow.

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    16th January 2013 at 8:08 pm

  64. AWD says:

    Why so many Muslims?
    Why so many Mexicans?
    Why so many Africans?
    Why so many Islanders?
    Why so many Asians?
    Why so many Indians?

    The answer to 99 out of a 100 questions: money

    Some to actually earn a living, many more to get on the dole. Good education ?! Many don’t bother to assimilate, and the division of the people grows. How many have the same values as Americans? Well, values that used to mean something (hard work, thrift, family)?

    White people will be a minority soon, and not soon enough for the libtards, progressives, and those that seek to destroy this country. Ah, no place to go. So sad.

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    16th January 2013 at 8:17 pm

  65. juan says:

    seven billion people in the world and you complain of a few million recent immigrants in the usa? this nation has seen an influx of strangers since columbus discovered the new world. it’s a tired argument. we’re here we’re queer, deal with it. wait, we aren’t queer. c’mon AWD, i would like things to go back to the days when there were less of us mexicans here. it was a nice time before 1970, maybe even better in the early 40′s.
    we come here and assimilate into this depraved culture as gayle calls it. i wish i had an answer that would satisfy you but my compadres are not going to leave just to please you. it is true that some of us do not have a green card to allow us to stay here legally. i ask you, do you have a green card to allow you entrance into heaven? don’t give me the lame, “i can’t go to hell because i don’t believe in hell.” cause i’ll come back with, “i can’t self deport because i don’t believe in deportation.”

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    16th January 2013 at 9:58 pm

  66. The Claymobile says:

    Eddie, how one can completely get it wrong like you have never ceases to amaze me! When ever somebody uses the liberal code word “neo-con” I know that person is a liberal/secularist/humanist which you are. You state that “Protestant Christian Churches are losing their young people”. How do you know that sense you do not go to church??? At my church there are hundreds of teenagers and 20somethings who meet for worship and fellowship every sunday. You said that “hardcore pro-lifers and school prayer advocates have alienated most thinking young peope”. Wrong, most thinking young people realize that after studying their Bible that God is pro-life and pro- school prayer. You said that “most Americans never were into legislating morals”. Wrong again! We have laws against murder, stealing, rape, embezellement, etc.. Those laws are based on morals and I doubt if most Americans would want to get rid of those laws. You said that “The religious right was a fringe movement started by backward southern pastors intent on turning back the clock on science and using the ample ignorance of their flocks to promote their conservative political agenda”. Wrong again. When ever liberals use the code word “science” it means anybody who opposes the fairy tale of evolution. The thinking person after seeing all the evidence for creation and the absolute lack of evidence to support the folly know as evolution would know that his pastor was preaching truth. The religious right was a mainstream movement because most Americans believed the same things as the people in the religious right. You said that the religious right was “one major facet of the demise of the Republican Party”. Wrong again, Eddie. The Republican party has not disappeared. Its not near as effective or attractive to Americans because it has abandoned its core principles and its leaders are horrible. Eddie, the Gospel is simple. Man is sinfull. God is Holy. Our sins seperate us from God. Jesus came to this earth to take the punishment our sins deserved on the cross. To restore our relationship to God we have to be “born again” like Jesus insisted. To have the foregivness we need to repent of our sins and pray to jesus to receive Him into our hearts so that our hearts will be forever changed. Eddie the choice is yours. Jesus said that He was the way, the truth, the life, and no man comes to the Father except by Him. what will you do? If you are interested in looking into Jesus and the Christian faith some more here are some good books. The Case for Faith and The Case for Christ both by Lee Strobel. When Skeptics Ask by Norman Geisler and Ron Brooks. Also check out Ravi Zacharias Ministries and The Bible Answer Book by Hank Hanegraffe. Eddie if we crazy, bible-thumping, Christians are right then hell is hot and eternity is long and you will not have another chance to change your eternal destinity after you die. My prayer is that you will chose LIFE! Clay.

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    16th January 2013 at 10:01 pm

  67. anotherjuan says:

    uh, eddie? i think you’ve been served little buddy.
    gayle, gayle, gayle, didn’t you ever read the part where it says, suffer the little ones to come unto me and forbid them not? he didn’t say, only the little white ones with blonde hair blue eyes and frekles, nah, he means all children and the older ones also.

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    16th January 2013 at 11:21 pm

  68. Gayle says:

    Another Juan

    You missed my point. The original post was about the declining number of practicing (in the original sense at least) Christians in this country. I then postulated that it is more difficult for religious institutions to capture the attention of young people because popular culture is largely anti-Christian.

    I was wondering why Muslims would want to subject their devout children to the temptations posed by the Great Satan. Personally, I hope the kids all get converted and become raving Bible thumpers.

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    16th January 2013 at 11:34 pm

  69. Kill Bill says:


    It is assumed that everyone knows what one means when one speaks or writes about “God.” As if one is referring to a commonly understood, supreme, morally absolute, all powerful, good, merciful, just, loving, objective reality. It is not only about speaking to “God,” but for “God.” With these “godly” attributes readily attributed to one’s idealized self and one’s religious—or political– group and mission. In fact, while “God” is as common as human breath, the purposes attributed to “Him” are as broad, and diverse, as human breadth. People often act as if they are talking about the same “God,” when they are actually talking about themselves, i.e., projecting upward and outward their own wishes, biases, insecurities, domination or dependency tendencies, ignorance, and strengths— propensities born of their own developmental, cultural, ethnic, political, conditioning and realities.

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    16th January 2013 at 6:02 pm

  70. Kill Bill says:

    Why so many Muslims?
    Why so many Mexicans?
    Why so many Africans?
    Why so many Islanders?
    Why so many Asians?
    Why so many Indians?

    The answer to 99 out of a 100 questions: money -AWD


    God created humans for money?

    But to your question of color, dear Doc, we have, as I know, three differing cones in our eyes, one that sees a certain frequency of light as red, one as blue and one as green.

    Ironically no human is actually any of these colors.

    It is pigments, or lak of, in our skin that either reflect or absorb certain frequencies of light that give you a perception of color.

    Now, to help make my point, when you dream at night, in a dark room, and your eyes are close, what then makes you see colors?

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    16th January 2013 at 6:07 pm

  71. Kill Bill says:

    You missed my point. The original post was about the declining number of practicing (in the original sense at least) Christians in this country. I then postulated that it is more difficult for religious institutions to capture the attention of young people because popular culture is largely anti-Christian. -Gayle

    I do not know that this is true.

    From my experience they do think there is a higher power.

    Popular culture…Hmm

    No religion, AFIK, foresaw the technological advances of today. Popular culture is not ant-belief they just dont find a connection to it given our means of transportation and EM advances such as what we are communicating thru at this time =)

    But they know what energy is.

    What is a soul?


    And what happens to energy?

    It changes forms but is never destroyed.

    As do souls.

    From Plato (Socrates) [To draw out my friend philosophist Colma =]

    But the soul which cannot be destroyed by an evil, whether inherent or external, must exist for ever, and if existing for ever, must be immortal? -Socrates

    Certainly. -Glaucon

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    16th January 2013 at 6:37 pm

  72. Viet Vet-70 says:

    I think Blood Sweat % Tears said it best:

    My troubles are many, they’re as deep as a well.
    I can swear there ain’t no heaven but I pray there ain’t no hell.
    Swear there ain’t no heaven and pray there ain’t no hell,
    but I’ll never know by living, only my dying will tell,

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    16th January 2013 at 7:14 pm

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