Roll Call
CQ Roll Call Jan. 13, 2013

Kondracke Archive

Kondracke: Now We Know Who the Grown-Ups Are

Having just barely avoided plunging the economy off a cliff, Republicans and Democrats ought to consider: Do we really want to put ourselves and the country through this again and again?

Would Obama Deal on Spending?

President Barack Obama is on his way to bludgeoning Republicans into agreeing to raise taxes. The big question is: Can he reach a deal on entitlement spending?

In Kemp, a Republican Role Model

If Republicans hope to save their party from long-term minority status, they should do what I’ve been doing for the past two years: study the career of Jack Kemp.

From Hope to Doubt in a Single Election Cycle

Four years ago we had just one “Rorschach candidate” for president, with millions voting for Barack Obama, seeing in him their kind of leader. This year, we’ve got two. Obama or Mitt Romney — it’s a vote shot into the dark.

Election Oddsmakers Suffering From Fuzzy Math

I don’t get it. The oddsmakers and the public seem to think strongly that President Barack Obama is going to get re-elected. I’d say, this is a 50-50 down-to-the-wire nail-biter.

I May Choose Simpson Over Obama, Romney

As one of the tiny sliver of highly attentive voters who are still undecided, here's where I stand: If Mitt Romney and Barack Obama don't begin showing me something positive in this week's debate, I'm writing in Alan Simpson.

Obama's Speech Ignores Independent Voters

Heading into the Charlotte, N.C., convention, President Barack Obama was in trouble with independent voters. But instead of winning them back with appeals to national unity and promises of compromise, he told them: You've got a stark choice - so choose.

Mitt Romney Accomplished Some of His Goals, But Not All

Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans ticked every box on their national convention to-do list except one: explaining clearly how the country gets from here to prosperity.

America-as-Europe Argument Might Resonate

Until about a month ago, if you put a gun to my head and made me predict this year’s election outcome, I’d have said, “Shoot.”

New Books Focus on Congressional Reforms

There are two new books out that you should not wait until summer to read. They recommend pathways to undo political stalemate and avoid the decline of America, so they’re urgent business.

A Third-Party Candidate Would Force Action

With Republicans moving ever further to the right and Democrats to the left — though not so far as Republicans are to the right — there really is a crying need for a centrist alternative.

Americans Elect Could Field Plausible Candidate

After serving as America’s political doormat for almost two decades, there are signs that the country’s moderate near-majority is bestirring itself to fight for national sanity.

Dream a Little Dream of Gov. Mitch Daniels

I despaired again on State of the Union night that Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels isn’t running for the Republican presidential nomination. His response to President Barack Obama was the opposite of what we’re seeing in the Roman circuses of GOP debates.

With Help From Foes, Obama Is off the Mat

President Barack Obama is far from winning re-election, but his “Truman strategy” — plus some mild improvement in economic conditions — seems to have improved his prospects. And Republicans are helping.

A Novel Proposal for Job Creation: Tax It Less

Do Republicans and Democrats really want to create jobs — or just pretend to do so and blame the other side for high unemployment? If they did want to spur job growth, they’d do what always works to secure more of something — reduce taxes on it. And keep them low.

There’s Hope for Better Schools — if Congress Helps

Unless Congress blows it, the United States has the best chance ever to finally make its public education system world class.

Let’s Empower the Moderate Near-Majority

In 2006 and 2008, American voters gave Democrats big victories because they were mad at Republicans. In 2010, they gave Republicans a big victory because they were mad at Democrats.




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