January 22, 2013

1644, Section: Photo Essay

Photo Essay

Dares Al-Janad studied accounting in college but was unable to find a job‭.  ‬Now he finds himself fixing watches next to Al-Dobaibi's cotton candy‭.‬

This article has photo galleryYoung men tap their basic business skills to combat unemployment

Published on 5 November 2012 by Amal Al-Yarisi in Photo Essay

Many young Yemenis  are starting their own small businesses to make a living. Some went to college, some are still in high school and others never completed their studies.

In Al-Jamana area, near the airport, this monument symbolizes Yemeni love for pouring and drinking coffee and tea.

Monuments reflect past, but left neglected by present

Published on 24 September 2012 by Samar Qaed in Photo Essay

Across Sana’a, monuments pay hommage to the history of both the capital city and of Yemen. There are not a high number of monuments to be found in the city, not even in the country as a whole, and what has been built is routinely subject to negligence and misuse.

Water tanks are not found in Al-Ramah slum. Thus, children go to nearby mosques to fetch water on their heads and bring it back to drink.

This article has photo galleryThe marginalized: unfulfilled dreams

Published on 30 August 2012 by Amal Al-Yarisi in Photo Essay

On a small plot of land in Haseba, there lies the Al-Ramah slum with several torn cartoon and tarp tents. This land has been housing the marginalized, dubbed Akh dam (slaves). Necessities of life, such as water and electricity, are utterly unavailable to them.

A young girl naps among the group’s belongings.

This article has photo galleryWaiting on a permanent home

Published on 25 August 2012 by Ahlam Mohsen in Photo Essay

Outside the immigration and passport center in Sana’a, a group of African refugees live in tarp and rope tents, their belongings surrounding them. They used to live in a prison inside the compound, but removed July 22.  Now, they wait. They wait  to see where they are going, where they will live, where they can call home

Yemenis united under one flag. Photo by Abdulrahman Jaber

This article has photo gallerySana’a’s Year of Revolution

Published on 6 February 2012 by Yemen Times Staff in Photo Essay