An open letter to America's gun controllers

Dear gun controllers of America,

Every one of you learned the libertarian non-aggression principle in Kindergarten. What happened to you?

In your earliest interactions with playmates you were taught the fundamental lessons of relating to other decent human beings in a civilized society:

Don't hit, don't bully, don't lie.

What you learned is what's known today as the libertarian non-aggression principle against coercion, intimidation and fraud:

Don't hit (coercion), don't bully (intimidation), don't lie (fraud).

Later, maybe as early as first grade, you learned a lesson about injustice.

Someone did something to upset your teacher. Maybe a student hit her with a spit wad while her back was turned.

Whatever it was, the teacher was livid and demanded to know who did it.

Nobody said a word. Maybe nobody knew. Or maybe they knew the class bully did it and that he would beat on anyone who snitched him out.

The teacher, in frustration, perpetuated a familiar age-old injustice:

"Okay, no one gets to go out for recess and everyone gets extra homework!"

Every kid in that classroom, including you, without having anyone explain it to any of you, knew instinctively that it is an injustice to punish every innocent person for the transgression of one guilty person.

It's the same injustice you want to impose on all innocent, peaceful gun-owning citizens.

It doesn't matter that you say your advocacy for gun control is "rational" and "sensible" and that your intentions are "good," you're still punishing innocents for the actions of the guilty.

In the process you're instigating coercion, intimidation or fraud.

Why? Did you flunk both kindergarten and first grade?

Asking government people to do those things in your name still makes you guilty of coercion, intimidation or fraud because you're aiding and abetting it.

It becomes clear that many of you who talk about "gun violence" and "gun control" are so terrified of guns that you would rather risk being killed by one than overcome your phobia and learn how to use one in defense of yourselves and your loved ones.

Yet you call those of us who are competent, proficient and trained in the use of guns to defend ourselves from gun violence "radical gun nuts."

And then, in the process, you keep blaming the gun itself, an inanimate object.

That would be like the teacher blaming the spit wad.

Does that mean you flunked Preschool too?

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Garry Reed is a longtime freewheeling freelance libertarian opinionizer. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, River Cities Reader and several assorted sordid websites are among his victims. The goal is Fun & Freedom. Rattle Reed at

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