
Al Jazeera English Live Stream

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Streamed live on Sep 5, 2012

Al Jazeera English Live Stream

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  • zohair ladha

    watch nauha at my channel

  • lolrapster

    why so lag

  • telafiesta

    This chat isn't a bill board to ask people to watch your channel... especially if it has nothing to do with what it airs. You gamers are disappointing me.

  • mike grasso

    everyone subscribe to my channel :)

  • telafiesta

    hey monkey market

  • viralmonkeymarket101

    Hello everyone

  • viralmonkeymarket101

    Comment removed

  • telafiesta

    Do you provide the news without a bias twist?

  • Lord KnowItAll

    everyone subscibe to my channel please

  • Lord KnowItAll

    this is shit

  • billyboy8888

    stannis is epic

  • telafiesta

    tomorrow 200 characters is never enough.

  • telafiesta

    and, education. Whatever inhibits or stops these basic necessities needs to be found and stopped this should be done with the highest priority in any civilized society. Posted with a hope for a better

  • telafiesta

    we know about irrigation and have the ability to organize ourselves for the collective betterment all, its even a profession community organizer. Every human deserves three basic things, food, shelter

  • telafiesta

    that would shape the future of the content. The unemployment in Egypt is terrible many of the young people their go without access to work educated or not. People are smarter than a thousand years ago

  • telafiesta

    power or creating policy that would benefit those who shared their ideals or were from their background. The new governments around the world could be designed by well educated young minds

  • telafiesta

    saying their it doesn’t provide equal treatment to all its people. The same way the governments established during the cold war were established the ones in power most concerned with keeping

  • telafiesta

    with the people in places with governments backed by the US in the last 50 years, it is easy to see why they are slow to accept the western hand. I mean the people in Iraq are protesting their gvmt.

  • telafiesta

    The United States honestly should take the current situation with Iran serious and be careful as they proceed. The people who live there have different Ideas and customs. If you look at the discontent

  • Diek02

    live no me canal

  • morribri

    Comment removed

  • telafiesta

    I do not support drone strikes.

  • Erabosify

    Lol! Like that part about Atheists!

  • telafiesta

    or Atheist, we are all human. Its about time we start treating each other humanly. Posted with a hope for a better tomorrow Thank you

  • telafiesta

    I absolutely agree the mistreatment and targeting of women protesters in Egypt is appalling. There needs to be a respect for the voice of the people around the world. Man, woman, black, white, Islamic

  • Erabosify

    Its terrible what they are doing to women protesters in Egyot. To think that women used to rule Egypt.

  • telafiesta

    discussed for the prosperity of humanity. Posted with a hope for a better tomorrow Thank you.

  • telafiesta

    thousands of years ago to give value to work preformed and create a uniform system labor where you must work to achieve wealth. But it is now out dated in this technological world it needs to be

  • telafiesta

    people in the world living off less than a dollar a day, and people in Greece and all over the world kill themselves every day because of the depth of poverty in which they swim. Money was created

  • telafiesta

    programs, no longer investments. The restoration of Pompeii is another example of corruption where those given the funds to restore inflated the cost of what they did. Nuns forcing women into labor,

  • telafiesta

    you or I win by playing by the rules while there are those that make their riches by rigging football matches, and those who make millions off millions in the stock market making their trades on

  • telafiesta

    No one out there wants to talk about the disruption of wealth or corruption that money brings? In our current system, life is a game and the winner is the one who dies with the most cash. But how can

  • Victoryissecured

    That is exactly right, we are the change for tomorrow, for now we must collect our ideas and organize out plans.

  • nm71O

    Don't worry people there is hope. Never give up

  • Piano1Hand

    If you like piano - welcome.

  • telafiesta

    posted with hope for a better tomorrow* O.O

  • telafiesta

    Comment removed

  • telafiesta

    its about time we stop choosing it. But that is just my opinion what do you think? Engage me in this conversation and have your voice heard. I will listen..possted with for a better tomorrow Thank you

  • telafiesta

    after it is time that we the young people of the world have a conversation about what is at the root societies distress. I think we are better than the subjection of others. Poverty is a choice, and

  • telafiesta

    We live in a society where people are willing to sacrifice everything giving up life because they fear that they will never be free from poverty, and nuns enslave those who they are trusted to look...

  • Ayman Farah


  • viralmonkeymarket101

    Hello everyone

  • zi wang


  • telafiesta


  • telafiesta

    I see it says Zionisml is new Nazism im sorry for a moment I thought that your name advocated the two

  • telafiesta

    I'm glad to hear that, I have just recently stumbled on to this channel, but it soon became a source of world news. What’s up with your name I feel I may be reading it wrong, care to elaborate?

  • ZionismISNEWNazism

    Comment removed

  • ZionismISNEWNazism

    Comment removed

  • telafiesta

    I applaud you Jay, I did not become interested in politics until two years ago, during a time when I was discontent with the debt crisis. Keep it up the world needs more intelligent young people.

  • JayyTeePs3

    i have no idea what this is about im 15 this looks likes it news for adults. but im intersted so im watching

  • FenomenalGamer

    Comment removed

  • Victoryissecured

    Most excellent ideas tela, and all participants of this chat.

  • Victoryissecured

    It is scientific fact that our magnetic field created by our nervous systems enacts force with and against one another. Use the force ;D create more love.

  • Victoryissecured

    Also remember every small act of kindness has a fundamental impact in a much larger way. If you give love, you promote a healthy cycle that expands from person to person.

  • telafiesta

    by a nation. That will create a new level of empathy, and idea of world standers will arise as people learn more about their human neighbors. I also agree with victory we will reach a better tomorrow

  • telafiesta

    I see, I agree that is what the world is exactly lacking empathy, and action. Its information that sets man from beast and Al Jazeera provides information in a form the world has yet to see unfiltered

  • Victoryissecured

    We will reach it inevitably

  • adhominems

    telafiesta, i think we all realize that we each want the same thing, but to me the issue seems to be the lack to trust, empathy, and action.

  • surf420silver

    i want to move off earth

  • Victoryissecured

    I too, wish for a safe and better world than the one I did.

  • Ayman Farah


  • telafiesta

    the world all wants the same thing I'm just waiting for everyone to realize it.

  • telafiesta

    When I do start a discussion with someone I almost always start with the question what do you want out of life? the most common response; for my children to live in a better world than the one I did.

  • telafiesta

    we as young people of the world have a responsibility of enlighten our peers. I have shown a number of people this channel and have had talks with those around me engaging them in political discussion

  • telafiesta

    Where as the average American has not been properly informed on the issue not misinformed but just ignorant to the abuse as a whole. I to was guilty of not knowing their plea until recently. I think

  • telafiesta

    I assume you want my outlook as to what we should with the people of New Guinea. First what is your connection to Indonesia. I have just recently learned of their struggles I compare it to North Korea

  • telafiesta


  • Erabosify


  • Erabosify

    International pressure needed to help the PNG people. Western media should stop praising Indonesia as a bastion of democracy. Indonesia's history if filled with warmongering.

  • Victoryissecured

    Yes, that is exactly it.

  • telafiesta

    in order to get the idea to work you need people to stop trying to achieve wealth and that is a challenge by itself it’s been engrained in us since a young age that you most work and get that money...

  • telafiesta

    keep eating. If that time comes where people cannot afford the food that stores sells I’m sure a change will come. But i do not like the idea of wait for a better world

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