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Breast Cancer Foundation overcomes taboos by reaching Egyptian women at schools
In a country where word of mouth and speaking directly your audience is the best way to convey a message, The Breast Cancer Foundation in Egypt meets teachers and students at schools
Ingy Deif, Monday 25 Feb 2013
Views: 160

In Egypt, where according to latest statistics, breast cancer accounts for 37.5 percent of all cancer cases, The Breast Cancer Foundation emphasised the utmost importance that the government, civic society and the community collaborate to raise awareness and reach out to women in various governorates to stop the increasing deaths.

In that regard, the Foundation had already launched a campaign under the name: Awareness Campaign for Students and Teachers. The last lecture was held in Cairo’s Bab Al Shaarya Industrial High School for Girls.

The number of the girls and women attending was outstanding, reflecting a deep interest in the subject, despite the deeply-embedded taboos surrounding the subject.

The BCFE team showed the audience how to conduct a self-examination, emphasising the importance of early detection and explaining the importance of undergoing a mammogram once a year after the age of forty.

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