Letters, 02/10/13

In reply to “Obama ‘Green-Lit’ Israeli Attack on Syria,” by Jason Ditz, 02/01/13:

While we are all united in opposing Israeli actions the headline I saw on the morning of February 2, 2013 was highly inaccurate.

The headline of the posting by Jason Ditz read “Obama ‘Green-Lit’ Israeli Attack on Syria,” when the actual article from Ha’aretz was read, nothing of the sort was said.

The article stated that an intelligence source said Obama agreed to further strikes of that sort — it did not say that he “green-lit” the attack that occurred on Wednesday January 30.

Andrew Kahn

In reply to “‘Stupid’ Republcans,” by Ivan Eland, 1/30/13:

“You have to go back to the 1920s — to the Harding and Coolidge administrations — to find Republicans who were really against big government and realized that war leads to it.”

Calvin Coolidge a non-interventionist? Tell it to the Nicaraguans!

David Tenner

In reply to “The Hagel Battle: ‘Why is Obama Doing This?’” by Justin Raimondo, 01/09/13:

What does it say about the power of the Lobby if The Onion can so readily mock Bibi for having “veto power?” If the Lobby can be openly ridiculed, perhaps people are realizing the Emperor has no clothes.

David Cole