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Hossam Khairallah

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 3:04 PM 
Hossam Khairallah

Vital information:

Name:  Hossam Khairallah

Political Party name: Al-Salam Al-Dimocrati Party: (Democratic Peace Party)

Place of Birth: N/A

Date of Birth: 22nd of July 1945







He received a Bachelor degree in Military Science in 1964

He received a Bachelor degree in Commerce in 1982


Posts Held

He was apponinted the Vice president of the General Intelligence authority in 1994

He served as the head of the General Intellegence authority from 2000 till 2005 when he ended his term


Political Activity



Views on the Military Regime and the Transitional Period

Hossam Khairallah stressed his belief in a civil state and completely rejected the idea of a military or Islamic state while on tour in Daqahliya.


Views on whether he prefers a religious or civil state 

He said "We wish for a civil state regardless of who the ruler is - whether of military of civil background."


Views on Camp David Accord between Egypt and Israel

He said  “The Camp David Accord expired five years after it was signed. What Egypt and Israel have now is a peace treaty and its terms may be adjusted if it will harm Egypt’s national security.”


Views on women rights

He believes that women's participation in the development of the nation is crucial. Egypt has always pioneered the inclusion of women in all spheres.  

Views on political system and presidential powers

He said "The mixed political system is the best for Egypt at the mean time not the parliamentary system. This will allow for the strengthening of the political institutions and the separation between authorities. The presidential powers should be curbed in the new constitution and the president should be responsible for national security, foreign policy, justice and the rest of powers should be divided between the government and the parliament"

Views on education and scientific research

He said “The renaissance of education is based on educational methodology. It should depend on finding non-conventional solutions that includes providing students with all the information they need, opening research capabilities for them, putting an end to the private lessons phenomenon by using a simple personal computer that costs around 240 Egyptian pounds for each student. This computer can be used for educational purposes and using the internet for research.”

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