commercial zip code database
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ZIP Code Database and Demographics Data

  • Zip Code Database

    Immediate download - includes ZIP Code, Latitude, Longitude, Area Code, FIPS, MSA Data, Time Zones, and much more. We use multiple sources to ensure the finest databases.

  • Canada Postal Code Database

    The Canadian Postal CodesOM database has 840,000 records. For expanded cities, the database is ~1.2 million records. Available w/ latitude, longitude, area codes, time zones.

  • Mexican Postal Code Database

    Our standard database has 90,000+ Mexican Postal Code records with latitude and longitude. An ideal database for transportation, logistics, and analysis.

“It’s always been a pleasure working with GreatData.”
database testimony American Express

“Your professionalism and attention to details should be the benchmark for all companies...”
database testimony FedEx / Kinkos - Enterprise Level Data that is Clean, Precise, and Current

For over 20 years GreatData has matured its processes to provide the finest enterprise level databases on the market.

Compared to the many low-end, repackaged government database products on the market today, we use the best sources to obtain the most current and accurate data possible. A ZIP Code database sourced from the Census Bureau or USPS may have thousands of duplicates, different spellings for the same place, and numerous out-of-date records. Our zip code database is very clean and appropriately lean. We utilize a sophisticated cleaning and standardization process that is unmatched in the industry. Our excellence is a result of years of experience and a desire to deliver precision products based on very high standards. We believe most of our customers will yield a greater return on their investment by choosing a superior db product. Good data can save thousands... bad data is costly.

We not only guarantee you a clean, accurate, and up-to-date database product, we believe it to be the finest in the industry.
