Protecting your privacy

If someone has posted your personal information or uploaded a video of you without your consent, start by contacting the uploader and asking them to remove the content.

If you can’t reach an agreement with the uploader, or if you are uncomfortable contacting them, you can request removal of content based on our Privacy Guidelines.

For content to be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable. When assessing if an individual is uniquely identifiable, we consider the following factors:

  • Your image or voice
  • Full name
  • Financial information
  • Contact information
  • Other personally identifiable information

When you report a privacy complaint, we consider public interest, newsworthiness, and consent as factors in our final decision. Check out our Privacy Guidelines for a more detailed explanation of our privacy complaint process and the factors we take into account when evaluating privacy claims.

Tips on how to protect your privacy on YouTube:

  • Think carefully before you post personal information. This includes things like the town you live in, where you go to school, or your home address.
  • Protect your account data and don’t share your password with others. YouTube employees will never ask you for your password. Don’t be fooled if someone contacts you pretending to be from YouTube.
  • Get permission first. As a rule of thumb, you should get permission before filming other people or posting their personal information.
  • Visit our Privacy and Safety Settings page for a list of tools that you can use to manage your content and experience on the site.