Letters, 03/31/13

March 31, 2013

In reply to “Will Budget ‘Cuts’ Impact US Aid to Israel?” by Justin Raimondo, 03/22/13:

Israel, a “major strategic ally” of the United States?

Its armed forces attack US vessels (the USS Liberty) and murder US civilians in acts of theft and piracy (e.g. Rachel Corrie and Furkan Dogan).

Its agents spy on the US (Jonathan Pollard, Lawrence Franklin, et. al).

Its government sells sensitive US technology to the Chinese after acquiring it as part of the “special relationship.”

On the evidence, Israel isn’t a US ally at all, let alone a “major strategic” one.

Amos Thorpe Plank

In reply to “Obama Beats Bibi on TKO,” by Philip Giraldi, 03/28/13:

The usually astute Giraldi misreads Obama the man.

Yes, Obama is verbally facile, gives a good talk and he seems so sincere. Yet, his words means nothing, because he himself believes only in his role as leader of the world and dispenser of wisdom — moral, ethical and otherwise.

Does POTUS have power? Influence? Did he have a mandate when first elected? If so, subsequent events prove that he choose not to use this power and choose instead to get along and find a different legacy.

As Giraldi has previously pointed out, both the U.S. and Israel are ipso facto fascist states. There can only be one outcome and it will come sooner rather than later. Western civilization and its survival depend on the downfall of the U.S. and Israel.

Spencer Shepherd

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