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Angela Keaton

Angela Keaton has written 80 posts for Stress

Antiwar Radio

Tuesday-Friday, 11am-3pm 95.9 FM in Austin, Texas or stream from KAOSRadioAustin.org or Antiwar.com/radio. Sundays, 2-3 Pacific 88.3 in Riverside, California or stream from KUCR.org.

Antiwar Radio: 7/29/09 Robert Muphy and Gareth Porter

1-3 95.9 FM in Austin or stream from Antiwar.com/radio.

Original Pin…head

Joe Buck‘s over siliconed ding bat daughter is at it again. Even celebrity sites are not safe from the Voight family commitment to neo-conservative propaganda. Skip the article and move straight to the video then contemplate the role of the artist as courageous teller of truths.

Antiwar Radio: 07/24/09: David Vine

1-3 on 95.9 in Austin or stream from http://antiwar.com/radio.

Interview with Antiwar.com Co-Founder, Eric Garris


Pakistani’s are Dying: For What? For Whom? Why?

From Joe Briggs at Political Chowder.

Peace: Not on Their Watch

Peace: Not on Their Watch

Don’t Ask; Go to Hell

Obama is going to be the ruin of my hate. And the State the ruination of my personality. As a racist and sexist, I live to annoy white guys especially that most pernicious of the breed, the heterosexual liberal. If this were a sane time and place as in not 21st Century America, my instinctive [...]

Mission Creep

Mission Creep

…nor a gentleman

John McCain is a murderer, a traitor and bounder. I’d say ask his former wife on the last but she has a bit too much class to dish. With such a record, one would think he would attempt to redeem himself with good manners. What a gentleman. What a jackass.

No not McCaffrey…again

Steve Newton of the Delaware Libertarian is having a bit of fun with liberals who have only recently noticed that General Barry McCaffrey is a tool.

An Avatar for Peace

Dear Friends of Antiwar.com: A donor left this message in my Facebook Account, Here’s an idea. We ask all our friends to switch their Facebook and Myspace profile images to the Anti-War.com logo on some upcoming anti-war day. Let’s say Thanksgiving day, so we can be thankful there aren’t even more wars. At the same [...]

Centrifugal Force book


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