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August has written 40 posts for Stress

Enough about the Mosque already!

Everybody has weighed in on the question of whether or not there “should be” a Mosque built where the twin towers fell on 9/11. It seems most people are against the idea because they say it would hurt the feelings and be a slap in the face to the memory of the 3,000 who died [...]

Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and Iran sanctions

This year marks the 70th anniversary of Lt. Commander Arthur McCollum’s secret memorandum to FDR on how to provoke a war with Japan. His “recommendations for action” would guarantee Japan’s retaliation, forcing the U.S. into war with Japan, Germany and Italy. The provocations would entail military posturing and an embargo, choking Japan’s supply of raw [...]

Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says

Watching Cheney is Torture

Bonnie and Clyde Incarnate

Bonnie and Clyde had a love affair based on murder, mayhem and running from the law. Today, there are two countries in the world whose torrid affair bears a glaring resemblance: America and Israel. Our’s is really a dysfunctional, one-way relationship, though. We helped them seize Palestine and drive out its residents; we have stood [...]

McCain Is An Iranian Asset

Among the instigators of the Iraq invasion, no one was more influential than Ahmed Chalabi. He was born in Iraq but lived in exile after being sentenced 22 years for embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars from Jordan’s Petra Bank. In 1992 he created a group aimed at getting America to overthrow Saddam Hussein: the [...]

Beware Of Veeps Bearing Gifts

Over 3,100 years ago, the Greeks pretended to sail home defeated by the Trojans. Apparently, they had left a huge wooden horse at the city gates as a parting gift for the Gods. The Trojans were euphoric that the Greeks had finally relented and given up their ten-year assault on Troy. After the Trojans brought [...]

ABC: Agent Backs Cheney

We are all used to Dick Cheney and his cabal twisting the facts to support their diabolical plots, but they also have an agent over at ABC, Jonathan Karl, doing their dirty work. He has a new article at ABC reporting on the looming attack on Iran. When describing Iran’s phony nuclear weapons program and [...]

Debunking The Iran War Resolution

by August Wagele This week Congress will vote on a resolution (Senate RES. 580, House RES. 362) ramping up the pressure on Iran, bringing us one step closer to attacking them and sending the American economy plummeting into the abyss. These grave threats against Iran are the culmination of 29 years of the American War [...]

Less Jobs, More Wars…

watch the other ads here: http://lessjobsmorewars.com/?utm_source=rgemail

Classic Ron Paul

Here is a good video about the federal reserve featuring a youthful Ron Paul.

Get your new Bush coins…

Centrifugal Force book


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