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mudshark has written 53 posts for Stress

Election ’08 Aftermath

IVAW to crash the debate?

“Sgt Matthis Chiroux plans on getting in with his colleagues regardless.He spoke with Stephen of GlobalPundit.org earlier this week.” You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

who’s next?

First Lew breaks out with his show, and now this. Is this a decentralized coup, or what?

Ode to the Death Peddler

Lyrics and music by Anthony Gregory. Video by Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum.

Oil is up because of fear of Iran War, oil draft?

Ron Paul’s speech at Bowling Green H.S.

Party time in Iran?

has anyone checked the balloons lately? “Hostile” Iran Sparks U.S. Attack Plan “A second American aircraft carrier steamed into the Persian Gulf Tuesday as the Pentagon ordered military commanders to develop new options for attacking Iran.” and then Gates trots out his they’re killing us in Iraq crock. Not to be outdone, Mullen drops this [...]

Cheney Debunked

props to Anders for putting this video together. (xposted @ Random musings…)

Rep Ron Paul: Gen Petraeus Iraq Surge Hearing

Crocker to Clinton: Thanks for the blank check!

from the WaPo transcript: CLINTON: With respect to our long-term challenges, Ambassador Crocker, the administration has announced that it will negotiate an agreement with the government of Iraq by the end of July that would provide the legal authorities for U.S. troops to continue to conduct operations in Iraq. Let me ask you: Do you [...]

Brzezinski: Antiwar poseur

Larry Chin, of Online Journal, flaunts the hollow facade of the neoliberal elite cadre and their complete dependency on the millisecond flashes of long-term memory of their audience. Neoliberal elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the leading architects of the “war on terrorism” across the Middle East and the Eurasian subcontinent (and whose book The Grand [...]

Badr Backfill for Maliki

Juan Cole has an informative collection of translations that explain the fallout of the resulting mutiny in Basra of the Puppet Regimes inept matchstick men. I find it hard to believe that this wasn’t tucked away in the back of his mind somewhere before he decidifieded to embark on his first reign of terror on [...]

Iraq Death Toll

What is the real death toll in Iraq? The results range from just under 100,000 dead to well over a million. Inevitably, the issue has become a political football, with the Bush administration, the British government and other supporters of the US-led occupation seizing on the lowest estimates and opponents on the highest. Just Foreign [...]

Centrifugal Force book


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