Website traffic statistics

Web browsing of Trend News Agency's www.Trend.Az reached 9.27 million web-pages in January-April 2011, as compared to 6.25 million visits during the same period last year.

According to Google Analytics, the average web browsing during this period amounted to 77,300 per day compared to 52,000 in January-April 2010.

In April, web browsing exceeded 2.4 million web-pages with a daily average of 88,000 hits.

Web browsing exceeded 3 million hits in January-April 2011, with an average of 26,000 visits per day.

Founded in 1995 as a private media outlet in Azerbaijan, Trend News Agency is a leading news provider in the Caucasus and Caspian region.

Moody’s International certified Trend and recognized Agency's quality management system as meeting ISO 9001 - 2008 requirements.

In 2010, Trend was admitted to the membership of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA).

Trend produces articles in 5 languages including English, Russian, Azerbaijani, Persian and Arabic.

Trend publishes a daily bulletin of business news, specialized bulletins -Trend Oil and Gas, which covers oil and gas markets of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia; Trend Transport, which reviews the transport sector in the region; Trend Weekly Business Report and Trend Monthly Business Report - review of macroeconomic indicators of the economy; specialized edition Trend Finances - review on the financial sector; Iran Economy Review, which covers macroeconomics in Iran.

Trend is one of the most quoted news sources in the region. Trend's mobile news service makes news available regardless of location. is one of the most visited news resources in the region.

The subscribers to the news and analytical products from Trend are state and governmental agencies of various countries, large commercial and financial companies worldwide, leading media outlets and think tanks.