Library and Archives Canada — By the numbers


Library and Archives Canada  — By the numbers

The Library and Archives preservation centre.

Photograph by: Chris Mikula , The Ottawa Citizen

850: Full time employees, down from 1065 in 2012

$117.7 million: Annual budget

$10 million: Cut to LAC in last federal budget

35,000: Number of Interlibrary Loan requests in 2012

150,000: Average annual ILL requests in 1990s

15: Number of LAC storage buildings

400 kilometres: How far LAC’s holdings would stretch if lined up end to end

10 million: Number of publications in the National Library of Canada collection

90: Number of archival projects cancelled across Canada following elimination of National Archival Development Program

What they have

Canada’s Constitution Act, with marks left by rain during a ceremony on Parliament Hill in April 1982 when Queen Elizabeth II signed it.

The British North America Act, which features the editing changes made by Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald.

Oldest book in the collection, De antiquitate Judaica: De bello Judaico (Antiquities of the Jews and the Judean War), written by first century historian Flavius Josephus and printed in 1470.

Chair used by world renowned pianist Glenn Gould while he played and recorded.

On film: A Nitrate Film Preservation Facility at Shirley’s Bay (cost $14.7 million) houses Canada’s cellulose nitrate film collection, which contains 5,575 film reels dating back to 1912, including some of the first Canadian motion pictures and photographic negatives.

Sources: Library and Archives Canada.

The Library and Archives preservation centre.

The Library and Archives preservation centre.

Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

The Library and Archives preservation centre.
Daniel Caron, CEO of the Library and Archives Canada.
The Library and Archives preservation centre.
A variety of printed work in the collection of the National Library.
A variety of printed work in the collection of the National Library.
Documents at the Library and Archives Canada.

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