Letters, 05/19/13

In reply to Raping the World,”, by Justin Raimondo, 05/14/13:

I have to take a couple issues with this article. You seem to equate a lack of sexual morality with rape. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rape has very little to do with sleeping around. Most people with so called loose morals (sexually) who would never rape anyone.

The issue is one of power. When a person rapes another person it is about control and power. It is an application of force. Rape has very little in common with consensual sex — whether promiscuous, kinky or not.

I also take issue with your assertion that “lower classes” are more likely to rape. Let’s expand rape to include all violence. Who sent the soldiers to kill people in far off foreign lands? Who was responsible? It was politicians from the “upper classes.” Who makes the decision to bomb cities in foreign lands? It is politicians from the “upper classes.”

Marina Brown

In reply to Boycott Israel?”, by Justin Raimondo, 05/10/13:

The individual decision to join an academic boycott is not the same as state mandated economic sanctions.

Steve Athanail


At first I thought it was a joke, to be revealed as satire at the very end but, alas, it seems that Raimondo’s critique of Hawking’s decision, probably the most important event in the battle on the Palestinian side for justice and the hearts, and minds of the public since the I-P issue went public in 1948, was a serious effort on his part. And it is likely that it will haunt him for a long, long time. Even Noam Chomsky, who in the past had taken an unequivocal position against academic boycotts, was obliged to sign a letter to Hawking, asking him not to attend the conference in Israel.

Jeff Blankfort


Lots of hypocritical anti-Jewish bigots who pretend to care about peace are against collective punishment, EXCEPT when the collective punishment is against Israeli Jews. Then they support it.

Should the Palestinians be boycotted because they elected deranged Hamas terrorists as their leaders?

Should Americans be boycotted because of what the government does regarding drone strikes, etc?

Should the UK be boycotted?

Should every Muslim country be boycotted because literally almost every Muslim country on Earth discriminates against Christians, Jews, etc?

Should every Arab country be boycotted for their horrible human rights records, discrimination, etc?

Should China be boycotted for occupying Tibet — which has never tried to destroy China (whereas the land Israel occupies was used in countless wars against Israel)?

Basically, the extreme left now has a huge anti-semitism problem, and it leads to pathetic, bigoted hypocrites who just want an excuse to single out Jews/Israel while pretending to give a damn about peace or justice.

Israel, which has far more diversity than any of the nearby Arab countries, should not be boycotted for having the “nerve” to exist and protect itself from crazy neighbors who deserve a boycott far quicker than Israel does.

Geroge Karwell