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Jordan Steel is a Public Limited Shareholding Company (P.L.C.) that was established and registered in Jordan on march 3, 1993 under number (226) in the Public Shareholding Registry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Currently (J.S.) has fully paid up capital of 35,000,000 JDs (49,500,000 Dollars)

Since 1996, Jordan Steel (J.S.) continues to be the leading steel manufacturing company in Jordan.

Production of high quality reinforcing steel bars commenced in "1996". Working strictly according to international standards, (J.S.) becomes the first steel company in Jordan to acquire the ISO (9001:2000) certificate. Jordan Steel has around 250,000 tons installed capacity.

In the year "2000", the company managed successfully to introduce another range of products to the market, known as "Merchant Steel".

In "2003", (J.S.) established a new company, Jordan Steel Engineering Industries (J.S.E.I.), specialized in cutting and bending of steel re-bars for various construction projects. J.S.E.I is the first company in Jordan to introduce such products and services.

Jordan Steel continued developing and introducing new products as part of its long-term strategy to provide not only products but also solutions to the problems of the construction sector. Hence, (J.S.) established in the year "2005", and in cooperation with a local investor, the "Modern Wire Mesh Company" to produce wire mesh in different sizes.

In "2005", Jordan Steel topped its diversified investments by entering a 50/50 partnership in the "Consolidated Jordanian Iron & Steel Works" company. This company will produce steel billets from steel scrap. Jordan Steel will secure a safe & continuous supply of raw material for his operation with this project.

In "2008", the Board of Directors took a strategic decision to buy the partners' (50%) share of the "Consolidated Jordanian Iron & Steel Works" company and to acquire (100%) ownership of this company, to implement this step, the shareholders took a decision in an extraordinary meeting to finance the purchase transaction through a (51.7%) increase in capital.

Jordan Steel strategy & vision stresses on growth & diversification to meet the markets needs & the customers' expectations.


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