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This tag is associated with 12 posts

Charles Krauthammer is Right

For perhaps the first time ever, the sick, evil, warmongering liar Charles Kruthammer has got his facts straight, though, of course, he remains on the wrong side of every issue. In his new piece for the Post, “In praise of the rotation of power,” Kruthammer writes: As the Afghanistan war intensifies — Marja, soon Kandahar, [...]

Larisa Alexandrovna on Antiwar Radio/you-tube.

Sibel Edmonds Interview.

From electricpolitics.com via Luke Rylands blog. Connect the dots. According to the UN’s latest report, under U.S. occupation 92% of the world’s opium production comes from Afghan poppies. Most of the heroin going to Europe is manufactured in or transits Turkey. The exact value to Turkey of its heroin exports is unknown but experts estimate [...]

Cheney Debunked

props to Anders for putting this video together. (xposted @ Random musings…)

Fallon is out at CENTCOM

so the msm slackjaws say. did someone just drop the leash?

WSJ Neocon in No Holds Barred Death Match With Reality, Sanity, Responsibility

It’s pretty funny. Thanks to Christopher Manion.

How can you tell if a neocon is full of crap?

Ask Ron Paul, he’ll explain it to you.

Rise of the Crazies Timeline

Thanks to Matt.

Ever seen a speachless neocon?

This is pretty cool how George Galloway tells “Dick” Perle to his face the truth about neocons! (turn down your volume to shut-up the annoying chick).

Kagan and O’Hanlon: Time to Get Ready for War in Pakistan

Now we all expect this kind of craziness from the Kagan klan – cowering behind desks while lusting for blood is apparently in their DNA – but let’s get it straight about Michael O’Hanlon, who only a few months back was hailed as some great critic of the Iraq war saying that wow, the surge [...]

Seymour Hersh – US intentions for Iran and the Middle East

Sy Hersh delivers the annual Amnesty International/Trinity College lecture. This is the third year, previous speakers were Noam Chomsky (2006) and Michael Ignatieff (2005). Recorded on 24th October 2007. Click here to listen to the lecture (file in mp3 format)

My biggest fear about Ron Paul

(Cross-posted from my blog. I know that most of you will not agree with what I write here, but I offer my opinion candidely and I apologize in advance if that offends anybody) ——- I have to admit that I like Ron Paul. A lot. While Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinch are also speaking up [...]


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