July 9, 2013
Caroline D'Angelo
Kirkus Reviews awards a star to our enhanced e-book for iPad, "Voices of Haiti." Get your copy today.
April 11, 2013
Kwame Dawes, Lisa Armstrong
Adding to its growing list of accolades, the Pulitzer Center's iBook Voices of Haiti garnered Honoree status in the 2013 Webby Awards.
March 20, 2013
Jennifer Nguyen
The Pulitzer Center’s innovative multi-media journalism iBook was recognized by Pictures of the Year International Awards as one of the best e-books of the year.
January 14, 2013
Nathalie Applewhite
Due to the popularity of the initial broadcast, WLRN/Miami Herald re-broadcasts the Voices of Haiti interview with Kwame Dawes, originally featured on air in February 2012.
October 10, 2012
Caroline D'Angelo
Millions of girls missing: Pulitzer Center stories honor International Day of the Girl.
August 28, 2012
Caroline D'Angelo
In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Isaac, flooded tents and concerns about the spread of cholera show that Haiti is still vulnerable to natural disasters.
August 14, 2012
Jesse Hardman, Lisa Armstrong
The Pulitzer Center and Chicago-based Free Spirit Media present summer workshop documentaries.
July 31, 2012
Katherine Russo
“Using Art for Social Engagement” panel explored how the union of art and journalism allows stories to be told in a compelling way that draws people in.
July 24, 2012
Jon Sawyer
"Voices of Haiti," the second in the Pulitzer Center's series of iBooks on issues that matter, is now available. Visit the iTunes store to download a free sample or purchase the full book.
March 30, 2012
Jennifer McDonald
American Society of Journalists and Authors honors Lisa Armstrong with Arlene Award for "Articles that Make a Difference."
