Elizabeth Melimopoulos
Elizabeth Melimopoulos

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Featured on Al Jazeera
Equal opportunity and upward mobility is a long-lost American Dream.
Although the carnage has slipped under the radar, Syria's destiny will define the future of the Arab revolutions.
The verdict in the Trayvon Martin case exemplifies growing racism in the United States.
The US must acknowledge that the overthrow of an elected government, replaced by military-appointed officials, is a coup.
Army leader Abdul Fatah al-Sisi addresses the nation and calls for national demonstrations on Friday.
Tens of thousands stranded as air force struggles to reach 'Himalayan tsunami' victims.
The Ramallah Orchestra's journey through - and over - Israeli barriers to star in the Holy City.
Fears loom of all-out civil war with nearly 600 people killed in July and violence intensifying.
Both sides of Egypt's political divide complain of media bias and some experts want a new code of conduct for reporters.
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