Lonely Planet: online advertising opportunities

Lonely Planet is one of the world's most loved travel brands with over two million fans, followers and subscribers. We consider ourselves innovative within the travel guide field, expanding our database across the web for travellers to access on-the-go.


Advertise on lonelyplanet.com

lonelyplanet.com is the single largest source of authored travel content on the web, reaching 12 million unique users every month1 with over 7 million posts curated by expert authors. Get more information on the reach and audience profile of lonelyplanet.com

Connect with our valuable travel audience through online display advertising:

  • General run-of-site: Worldwide or geographically targeted. Sizes include leaderboard, MPU, half-page MPU.
  • Premium ad formats: These impactful ad formats are highly effective at reaching a client's target audience with its message. The user experience has been designed to minimise intrusion and maintain a positive user perception of the advertiser. Formats include interstitial, page peel and Pushdown. Download the Premium Ad Formats PDF for more details.

  • Destination buyout: The new look Destination Highlights page provides a more engaging context and environment for advertising. You can buy a specific destination and related pages, which includes leaderboard, MPU, wallpaper and sponsorship button. See the editorial calendar below for monthly featured destinations. Download the Destination Buyout PDF for more information.

  • Theme sponsorship: Travel themes take travellers straight to the heart of subjects such as world food and road trips, drawing together relevant content from Lonely Planet's photo galleries, articles, tips, video and Thorn Tree community posts. A theme sponsorship allows advertisers to position themselves alongside content relevant to a particular theme of travel experiences. Sponsorship of the theme landing page and all associated articles includes leaderboard, MPU, wallpaper and sponsorship button. See the editorial calendar below for monthly featured themes. Download the Theme Sponsorship PDF for more information.

Find out how Lonely Planet can help your brand develop innovative content by visiting the Lonely Planet Client Solutions website. For information about advertising solely in the UK, go to the Immediate Media website.

Editorial calendar

Each month, lonelyplanet.com focuses on a specific destination for both global and US audiences. A monthly featured theme is also selected for its relevance, timeliness and proven interest to Lonely Planet users, and is promoted via Homepage modules, email newsletters and social media.

Month  Theme  Destination (Global) Destination (for USA)

July 2013  Photography  Central Europe  Europe 
August 2013  Big Trips  China  France 
September 2013  Wildlife  Brazil  USA and Canada
October 2013  Best in Travel  India  US cities: New York, Chicago and Washington DC
November 2013  Islands  USA  Mexico 
December 2013  Festival Travel Australia  Hawaii 

* subject to change

BBC Worldwide to sell Lonely Planet: what this means

On 19 March 2013, BBC Worldwide announced it is to sell its stake in Lonely Planet. This does not affect BBC Advertising's status as the advertising salesforce for Lonely Planet and we will continue to sell advertising solutions on behalf of Lonely Planet for lonelyplanet.com, in the Lonely Planet apps as well as bespoke custom solutions that provide valuable marketing assets to our clients. Read the press release.


1 Omniture Site Catalyst, January-April 2013.

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