Monthly Archives: April 2009

Antiwar Radio: Philip Weiss

Investigative journalist Philip Weiss discusses all the implications of the Jane Harman wiretap story the MSM hasn’t run with yet, the evidence of Israeli attempts to dominate U.S. policy decisions on Iran to start a war, the J Street lobby’s moderating influence and how Israeli leaders are oblivious of the political re-evaluation of Israel by American Jews.

Antiwar Radio: Gareth Porter

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for Inter Press Service News Agency, discusses the connection between PNAC and the U.S. empire of bases, how beltway foreign policy advisers changed Obama’s antiwar rhetoric, the rumors of a U.S.-sponsored Iraqi coup d’etat to replace Nouri al-Maliki and the tendency of empires to enter costly military quagmires that bring their downfall.

Antiwar Radio: Andy Behlen

Andy Behlen, philosophy student at St. Edward’s University in Austin, TX, discusses his class project Website devoted to exposing and preventing torture.

Antiwar Radio: Patrick Cockburn

Patrick Cockburn, Middle East correspondent for The Independent, discusses the duplication of (illusory) successful U.S. strategies in Iraq for use in Afghanistan, the U.S. drone missile strikes that kill a few Taliban but anger millions of Pakistanis, Nouri al-Maliki’s continued assertion of Iraqi sovereignty and how the Iraqi Sunnis are squeezed between contradictory political pressures from Islamic radicals and the Iraqi government.

Antiwar Radio: George McGovern

Former senator George McGovern discusses the danger to the U.S. in continuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, why the damage to Iraq is already done and can’t be fixed by the U.S., Eisenhower ended the Korean war as promised, the lessons he learned flying a B-24 in World War II, the extraordinary cost of maintaining a world empire and the difficulty of unraveling the influence of the permanent warfare economy.

Antiwar Radio: Eric Margolis

Eric Margolis, author of American Raj: Liberation or Domination, discusses the causes of instability in Pakistan, the unrealistic expectations the U.S. places on its puppet governments, the Taliban’s inability to fill the Pakistan power vacuum and why the U.S. can’t resist the lure of imperialism.

Antiwar Radio: Ray McGovern

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the emotional aversion CIA agents developed for their own torture tactics, the moral bankruptcy of torture apologists, the barriers to an effective Senate Intelligence Committee torture investigation and the reemergence of long time cover-up artist Warren Rudman.

Antiwar Radio: Doug Bandow

Doug Bandow, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, discusses the very minimal threat North Korea poses to the U.S., how South Korea is more than capable of defending itself against the North, the troubled history of the U.S./N. Korea Framework Agreement and the horrible Law of the Sea Treaty.

Antiwar Radio: Anthony Gregory

Anthony Gregory, writer for FFF, LRC, the Independent Institute, etc., discusses Left, Right and the prospects for liberty.

Antiwar Radio: Philip Giraldi

Philip Giraldi, contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine and regular contributor to, discusses the confirmed existence of an incriminating Jane Harman wiretapped conversation, the appearance that Harman is effectively an asset of a covert Israeli intelligence operation, the perception among some U.S. politicians that the road to higher office runs through AIPAC and the increasingly apparent near-total corruption in U.S. government.