Issue #23, Winter 2012

The Myth of the Middle

Why we should be skeptical about the current mania for a third party that appeals to independents and libertarians.

The Declaration of Independents By Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch • PublicAffairs • 2011 • 288 pages • $25.99

The American political system has evolved several mechanisms to protect its own dysfunction. One of them is fantasy. Like a spouse who manages to remain monogamous by continually imagining the affairs she is going to have but never does, the political process protects itself by imagining an alternative in which a third party or independent presidential candidate will emerge any day now, sweep away partisanship, polarization, corruption, and stasis, and enact lots of sensible policies.

In the year before a presidential election, the fantasies come in a rush: Books are published with titles like Independents’ Day, Declaring Independence, this year’s The Declaration of Independents, and other variations on that hackneyed theme. Organizations and websites appear, promising to hold tryouts for the mystery candidate, like Unity08 in the last cycle. Sometimes, there is even a brief, rumored flash of an actual candidate, such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The last three years have brought the dysfunction of the political system into sharp relief, and, not surprisingly, the fantasy third parties and independent candidates-to-be-named-later have sprouted like mushrooms after a rainstorm. There’s No Labels, an organization that promises to recast American politics without partisanship. There’s Americans Elect, which seeks to secure a ballot line in as many states as possible and then use the Internet to nominate a presidential candidate to occupy it. The books have just started to appear, with The Declaration of Independents by the libertarians Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie the first of them. But just as in previous years, actual candidates willing to play the role of savior are scarce on the ground.

These third-party or independent projects usually have three characteristics in common, with one exception to be noted below. First, the people stoking these initiatives are rarely outsiders—typically, they are the very people for whom the existing political system has been most lucrative. They are lobbyists, fundraisers, political consultants. If there is, as is often alleged, a continuous cocktail party that runs the country from Georgetown salons, this is it. No Labels, for example, was founded by Nancy Jacobson, a legendary Democratic fundraiser, co-founder also of the Democratic think tank Third Way, and a Georgetown doyenne whose husband, Mark Penn, masterminded Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and runs the third-largest public relations firm in the world. Penn’s sometime business partner, Douglas Schoen, is another practitioner of fantasy politics; he’s the author of the 2008 book, Declaring Independence.

These initiatives are like company unions, designed to redirect discontent into safe, controlled forms that don’t threaten existing power structures. The list of co-founders of No Labels begins with Bill Andresen, a former chief of staff to Senator Joe Lieberman, now a lobbyist, and ends with Al Wynn, a former member of Congress, now… a lobbyist.

Most of the co-founders, like many of the other third-party fantasists, come from the conservative wing of the Democratic Party. They often claim, as Lieberman does, that they have been frozen out of politics as their party moved to the left and the Republicans moved to the right. But in fact conservative Democrats have held the balance of power for two decades. They have limited what Presidents Clinton and Obama could accomplish, and they enabled many of George W. Bush’s accomplishments. Take this example of their power: When a promising alternative approach to health reform—allowing 55-to-65 year olds to buy into Medicare—emerged in early 2010, all it took was a single negative gesture from Lieberman, and the idea was buried in less than a day.

Few senators in history have held the veto power that Lieberman, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and a few others hold in the current political structure. The closest parallel would be the Southern Caucus of the 1940s through the 1960s, by which the (even more) conservative Democrats of that era used the seniority system and committee chairmanships to block civil rights legislation and many other progressive priorities. Lieberman, Landrieu, and Nelson, however, exert their power without leadership positions or control of key committees. No Labels, Third Way, and Americans Elect seem designed to strengthen this already-overempowered bloc.

Americans Elect, which has gained ballot status in four states so far for its candidate-to-be-named-later, has a similar pedigree to No Labels, though it is more secretive. Its gimmick is that it will provide an open Internet platform allowing citizens to nominate candidates and then vote among the finalists—a “second nominating process,” they call it. But the nominee is required to be a “centrist” or hold a “moderate philosophy.” What if the nominee of the “open” process isn’t a moderate? And who gets to decide whether he is or isn’t? In 38 pages, a recently released briefing book for potential candidates fails to answer those questions.

Initially financed by investment banker Peter Ackerman, and run by Ackerman’s son, Americans Elect appears to be an outgrowth of Unity08, a thinly veiled effort to draft Bloomberg organized by a group of political consultants in 2006. (No surprise that political consultants are Bloomberg’s core constituency: His self-financed mayoral campaigns have made several New York consultants quite wealthy. A presidential run would surely enable a few of them to acquire the ultimate consultants’ status symbol, a Virginia horse-country estate.) Americans Elect’s leadership ranks are thus heavier on consultants—such as Schoen, former Bush and McCain aide Mark McKinnon, and direct-mail pioneer Roger Craver—than lobbyists, although several of the latter recently joined its board.

Issue #23, Winter 2012
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Howlin Wolfe:

I don't know how many times Obama "reached out" to the Congressional Republicans and virtual presidents like Sens. Olympia Snowe and Ben Nelson. If the GOP responded, it's news to me. So I'm not sure why Schmitt even says "not principally" Obama's failure. I have a hard time faulting him at all on this score. I have plenty of other things to blame him for, but in "reaching out" (to our great detriment, I might add) isn't one of them.

Dec 15, 2011, 1:13 PM
Roman Levit:

What Schmitt also leaves out is that many of the "solutions" and policy prescriptions of the third party promoters are already being proposed... by Barack Obama. Small tax increases at the top of the income scale, cuts to earned benefit programs, etc...

Dec 15, 2011, 1:18 PM
RObert Waldmann:

G and W have already had their president -- Jimmy Carter. By deregulatind, he made Southwest and micro breweries possible. I am absolutely not joking

Typically semi reality based defences of Ronald Reagan's economic policies are based on the assumption that he did the things actually done by Carter.

Either they are huge Carter fans or they are totalhypocrite dweebs. I know how I would bet.

Dec 15, 2011, 3:55 PM

I had no idea Duverger's Law had a name. Everytime I get into a third party conversation I patiently explain how the Electoral College process militates against it. Now I can just tell them it's Duverger's Law and tell them if they don't know what it is, to look it up.

Dec 15, 2011, 4:41 PM
Davis X. Machina:

The left end of the left is at least as much in thrall to the ignis fatuus of politics-without-politicians, or even better, a polity without politics.

President Matt Damon, anyone?;=439x1648081

Dec 15, 2011, 6:25 PM

I couldn't folllow any of this. Where's the part where everyone get's a pony?

Dec 15, 2011, 9:23 PM

No mention of the influence of the corporate marriage with both parties in maintaining the status quo. Publicly funded elections and strict lobbying rules would go a long way to righting many of the wrongs the duopoly has foisted on our citizenry. Obstruction of such reforms is assured by both parties, and by the howls of the soul-less zombies we think of as corporations.

Dec 17, 2011, 11:07 AM
Randy Yale:

The call for publicly funded elections and strict lobbying rules has been around for at least since Watergate. I have come to the conclusion that neither will happen. So I believe that candidates must make a Ulysses Compact and commit to removing large contributions and the lure of the revolving door between Congress and K Street. In fact, I believe this so strongly that I am running for Congress with such a compact central to my campaign.

Dec 17, 2011, 6:00 PM

"While Gillespie and Welch are coming from a different orientation than the insider-centrists, their substantive argument takes a similar form: We need an independent candidate because of, you guessed it, the deficit."

Uhh, you must have a different version of their book than I do, in my copy, they dont call for a third party solution to our political problems so much as call for an end to the politicization of every problem. Thats the point of mentioning southwest and beer deregulation, that we can survive just fine, and even thrive without the government looking over our shoulder at every moment.

You can disagree all you like, but you should at least comment on what they actually wrote.

Dec 19, 2011, 6:04 PM
Gary Wager:

It seems likely that those who are most discontent with the two (party) choices, will be the most avid third-partyers.
I would say the left may be disappointed in Obama's progress, but the right seeths with such hatred, to the point of alienating the center, that it is they who will be seduced by the siren of a third party savior.
Greater public policy debate, an energized electorate, and a divided right means a second term for Obama, and a reason to continue to hope.

Dec 30, 2011, 12:08 AM
saul harmon gritz:

Would you say that the third party as described at TBEPP.COM has an agenda, or is nonsense?

Dec 31, 2011, 5:04 PM
saul harmon gritz:

To Mark Schmitt, i just discovered your question to a post I had made in December; You were obviously at my site, why didn't you write to me directly? If you have questions, be specific and without an answer. If my suggested solutions to problems are not collectively an agenda, what is an agenda?
And, why are they nonsense? Bear in mind the meaning of non-sense.

Feb 10, 2012, 4:48 PM

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