Published On: Fri, Oct 4th, 2013

Earth has a twin rich in water?

RTS, InSerbia

Scientists claim that they have identified a planet, so far nearest to Earth, that is six times larger than Earth and is covered with atmosphere rich with water, which includes its strange state in the form of plasma.

Giese 1214b Photo: RTS

Gliese 1214b
Photo: RTS

Astronomers have found that the atmosphere of the planet “Gliese 1214b”, which has been classified as super-Earth, is most probably rich with water. However, this exoplanet is not Earth’s twin.

High temperatures and the density of the planet give it atmosphere dramatically different from Earth’s.

Computer image of the atmosphere at Giese 1214b

Computer image of the atmosphere at Gliese 1214b

“As the temperatures and the pressures are so high, the water is not in its usual form (vapor, liquid or solid), but in form of plasma at the bottom of the atmosphere – mainly in the interior,” explained researcher Norio Narita from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

Using instruments on the telescope “Subaru” in Hawaii, scientists have studied the light coming from the planet.

Combining the results with earlier observation led researchers to a conclusion that the atmosphere contains considerable amounts of water.

Unlike other planets, “Gliese 1214b” does not have hard surface, which makes determining of the level of the atmosphere more difficult.

Comparison: Earth, Giese 1214b, Neptun

Comparison: Earth, Gliese 1214b, Neptun

Because of this, researchers have developed a concept that allows them to determine that the atmosphere of this planet is three times deeper than the one on Earth.

“Although there is water vapor in the atmosphere, liquid water does not exist on the surface of the planet. Unfortunately, we do not believe that this planet could be habitable,” added Narita.

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