From the Desk of Bob Mankoff

October 19, 2013

Herding Cartoonists

This Buzzfeed headline caught my eye:


The cartoon was one that Paul Noth drew back in 2011.


For Noth, the cartoon had nothing to do with problems that the Speaker of the House has when dealing with a fractious and fractured Republican party—but for John Boehner, it clearly did. This is the case for many New Yorker cartoons, which can be both timely and timeless. But for other cartoons, those that are “ripped from today’s headlines,” as it were, the shelf life may be a good deal shorter.

For example, during the government shutdown, we received a bunch of nicely targeted put downs from Kim Warp. So nice that they that needed to be taken down off the shelf and presented here:




Congressional dysfunction is indeed a perennial cartoon staple. Even though we were compelled to take these particular cartoons off the shelf, I have no doubt that we will soon be restocking.

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