Assad close to being knighted under Blair | The Sunday Times


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Assad close to being knighted under Blair

Dipesh Gadher Published: 1 July 2012

Asma and Bashar al-Assad meeting the Queen during their 2002 visit, which drew protests Asma and Bashar al-Assad meeting the Queen during their 2002 visit (Kirsty Wigglesworth/Scott Barbour)

TONY BLAIR’S government considered asking the Queen to bestow an honorary knighthood on President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian dictator, official papers reveal.

The decision to court Assad came despite the Syrian leader attacking Israel and comparing pro-Palestinian terrorists to the French resistance at an event attended by Blair.

Discussions about the honour took place ahead of Assad’s visit to Britain in 2002 during which he sought “as much pomp and ceremony as possible”. The Arab leader was granted audiences with the Queen and the Prince of Wales, lunch with Blair at Downing Street, a platform in parliament and many other privileges.

Documents obtained by The Sunday Times under freedom of information laws show for the first time the lengths to which the government went to accommodate Assad. The red carpet treatment he and his entourage received is embarrassing given the bloodbath that has since taken place under his rule in

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