Project Upgrade: Tom Ford Edition

The world's best-dressed man takes average Joes off the street and transforms them into mini-Tom Fords

Slutty Halloween Costumes...for Dudes

Who says just girls wanna have fun? Here's how to show your goods with as much aplomb as the sluttiest nurse on the block

The Week in Style

Pharrell on wearing the same hat three ways, when peacock dressing goes too far, and (BREAKING!) Johnny Depp's new weird haircut

Our 22 Favorite Places in Seattle

All of the city's best shops, bars, and restaurants in one handy guide

Meet Adèle Exarchopoulos

The 20-year-old French actress stars in Blue Is the Warmest Color, and is making a name for herself off a certain steamy scene



Andrew Wiggins: Meet the Next LeBron

He's a 6'8" savant who attacks like D-Wade, jumps like Dr. J, and closes like Kobe. Is all this "Canadian LeBron" hype legit?

Emily Ratajkowski: The Girl Who Stole Summer

WARNING: These photos of the "Blurred Lines" star may make you go deaf, go blind, go out of your mind

Confessions of a Drone Warrior

He kills enemies halfway around the world by pushing a button. Welcome to the modern age of warfare

The Evolution of the Armani Suit

See the iconic tailoring that has upheld Giorgio Armani's signature aesthetic, season after season, for nearly 40 years

12 Fall Suits to Wear Right Now

The dozen in stores now that are bound to make a big impression, whether you're headed to the boardroom or the bar

4th and Forever: The NFL's Bubble Players

For every Tom Brady, there are a hundred men on the bubble. We follow three players from training camp to final cuts
10 Essentials

Chris Hardwick

The multitalented nerd icon on the things that help him keep his flotilla of TV shows and pet projects running smoothly

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