BBC World News: reach and audience



BBC World News is available in 109.9 million households in Europe
Source: BBC Distribution Report, March 2013
  • 40% of affluent adults in Europe watch BBC World News every month. 24% of these watch the channel every week and 9% view daily1.


BBC World News viewers in Europe are 90% more likely than average to have taken 11+ trips abroad in the past year. Source: EMS Europe, Summer 2012
Source: EMS Europe 2013
  • Average age: 471
  • Male/Female: 62% / 38%1
  • University/Post-Graduate Degree: 61%1
  • Own a second home: 35%1
  • Average personal income: €52,9641
  • Lived, worked or studied abroad: 34%1
  • 90% more likely than average to have taken 11+ trips abroad in past year1
  • 50% more likely than average to be a business decision-maker1
  • 55% more likely than average to be an influential opinion leader1
  • 39% more likely than average to be C-Suite1
  • Engaged: BBC World News is the international news channel most likely to be considered by its viewers as a source to often discuss news from, offer a global perspective, be high quality, trustworthy, and make sense of the world2


 EMS Europe 2013 (excluding UK). Target is BBC monthly audience (9,903,000 / 6,842)

2  Media Brand Values 2011. Base: viewers of each channel. Regions = France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, UK


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