Why are my lights out?

Thousands of Pepco customers lost power in 2010 during major storms. But thousands also have lost power so far this year even on clear days, according to monthly reports that District utility regulators require Pepco to file. Equipment failures far outpaced issues with trees or weather as the listed causes for non-major outages, with equipment cited in 351 of the 611 reports filed as of October, a Washington Post analysis found. State regulators in Maryland, where Pepco service is less reliable than in the District according to Pepco's measurements, do not require the same detailed reports.

Use this interactive map to view over time the District's power outages, excluding major storms.

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SOURCE: Pepco 2010 Non-Major Reporting to the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia. DATA ANALYSIS: Jennifer Jenkins GRAPHIC: Gene Thorp / The Washington Post - December 4, 2010.

NOTE: Location addresses have been added exactly as provided by Pepco.

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