Ed O’Keefe
Ed O’Keefe
Congressional reporter

Ed O’Keefe is a congressional reporter with The Washington Post, having covered the 2008 and 2012 presidential and congressional elections.

Previously, O’Keefe authored The Post’s Federal Eye blog, which tracks federal agencies, federal employees and government oversight issues. During the 2008 election season, he was one of The Post’s first reporters to travel the campaign trail as a videojournalist, blogger and contributor to the newspaper.

O’Keefe joined The Post in 2005 as a washingtonpost.com home page producer, and briefly served as a producer and on-air contributor to Washington Post Radio. He is a frequent guest of radio and television programs on BBC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, NPR, PBS and Sirius/XM.

O’Keefe holds a Bachelor of political science from American University.

A native of Albany, N.Y., his journalism career began at a young age when he would summarize the morning newspaper for his father over breakfast. As a teenager, he wrote and published a quarterly newsletter for his extended family, called “O’Keefe Etc.”

Latest by Ed O’Keefe

House approves plan to let some keep their health plans

House approves plan to let some keep their health plans

Proposal goes futher than proposed one-year fix by Obama, could dilute health-care law’s ‘essential benefits’

How many Democrats voted for the ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act?’

How many Democrats voted for the ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act?’

Republican proposal permits people to keep current health plans even if they don’t meet standards established by new law.

House approves ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’

House approves ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’

Proposal dramatically undercuts the new health-care law and comes as GOP attempts to divide Democrats on health-care.

‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’ spells trouble for House Democrats

‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’ spells trouble for House Democrats

Vote for it and be labeled disloyal to Obama. Vote against it and be labeled the supporter of an unpopular law.