Ann Telnaes Animation

Black Thursday

Condemned to an eternity of holiday shopping.

Sketching gay marriage at the Supreme Court

(Ann Telnaes)

Post editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes shares her drawings of the scenes at the Court.

More Telnaes Animations

Obamacare and religious exemptions

Obamacare and religious exemptions

Corporations are Christian?
What a turkey would choose

What a turkey would choose

It wouldn’t be life inside a factory farm.
What a turkey would choose

What a turkey would choose

It wouldn’t be life inside a factory farm
Tiny Cruz Care

Tiny Cruz Care

Being able to buy health insurance across state lines isn't much of a solution

More Telnaes Animations

Ann Telnaes has been creating animated editorial cartoons for The Washington Post since 2008.

More about Telnaes

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