
  1. I just walked past a man wearing a Nike tshirt that said: 'ruthless warlord.' I think he's actually a compliant IT guy.

  2. Here's something I've always wanted to say to someone: 'I may be out of my face. But you are out of your mind'. Yes, you, oh humanitarian.

  3. : 2013 was awful. But merry Christmas! Let's be Protestant and work to make 2014 negligibly better” HEAR HEAR. Mr. D'israeli...

  4. So let me tell you about love. It'll get you. You'll never get it.

  5. Did anyone learn a very important lesson about love today after some zany hijinks involving Christmas lights and a drunk relative?

  6. Spare a thought for the bigamists today, they are tying themselves up in knots today....

  7. These are some of my audition photos for This Is The Middle.

  8. The one I'm in two minds about is This Is The Middle. Not sure the director had a clear vision there.

  9. Steve, best Xmas wishes to all in perry Barr. I will likely never go back there (dad now in a home) but what a place.

  10. Please forgive me, but button-down shirts tucked into shorts adversely affects my ability to digest.

  11. Sitting at a bar where a depressingly loud New Yorker is telling another man: 'I'm feeling your wife.' He is giving unsolicited life advice.

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