All-Brookings Priorities

One Brookings, Four Priorities

Brookings has identified four substantive areas that we consider to be priorities meriting input from the Institution as a whole as we approach our centenary in 2016—energy and climate, global change, growth through innovation, and opportunity and well-being.

We believe that each of these priorities corresponds to an area where our strengths best match the needs of policymakers for creative and workable ideas. In each case, we will begin by posing broad questions and then seeking to answer them pragmatically and empirically.

  • Energy and Climate

    Issues of energy security and climate change involve economic, national security, environmental and governance questions. They affect nations and cities, citizens and refugees, tax policies and non-proliferation.

    More on Energy and Climate »

  • Global Change

    Dynamic economic growth in a few key countries is changing the nature of international security and diplomacy. That change can be for the better if the U.S. and other leading nations take the initiative in reforming international institutions and, where necessary, creating new ones.

    More on Global Change »

  • Growth through Innovation

    In the wake of the global recession, real changes in the public and private sectors are needed to promote innovation and the move to an information-based economy. That requires both short-term interventions and long-term planning.

    More on Growth through Innovation »

  • Opportunity and Well-being

    The ability of a society to provide for the health, education, and well-being of citizens—particularly for the most vulnerable—is a cardinal indicator of how well it governs itself. Relevant issues and investments range from the reform of national health and education systems to the design of transportation plans for local communities.

    More on Opportunity and Well-being »