Monthly Archives: July 2003

July 17, 2003 – Glen Whitman

Philip Dru interviews Dr. Douglas Glen Whitman, a Research Fellow at The Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and Assistant Professor of Economics at California State University at Northridge, about his book Strange Brew: Alcohol and Government Monopoly.
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July 17, 2003 – Bill Kelsey

Philip Dru interviews Bill Kelsey, a pilot for Airserv International, an NGO which provides emergency relief aid to war-torn countries in Africa and the Middle East about the situation on the ground in Iraq where he has recently been flying missions.
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July 12, 2003 – Brandon Wiley

Philip Dru interviews Brandon Wiley, the President of The Foundation for Decentralization Research , which is a group loosely connected to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, about RF-ID and internet radio.
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July 12, 2003 – Matthew Barganier

Philip Dru interviews Matthew Barganier, who writes the column Collateral Damage on, and teaches Junior High in Baton Rouge, Louisiana about the missing weapons of mass destruction and the neocons' relationship with Israel.
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July 6, 2003 – Michael Badnarik

Philip Dru interviews Michael Badnarik, a Libertarian running for President of the United States in 2004, about war, guns, the Constitution, and liberty in general.
Audio Stream
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July 4th, 2003 – Philip Dru

Philip Dru goes off for an hour on Independence day.
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July 4th, 2003 – Kenneth E. Mayers

Philip Dru interviews Kenneth E. Mayers, a former US Marine Corps Officer, and the Santa Fe, New Mexico contact for the Veterans For Peace, about the war in Iraq.
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