
Gael Garcia Bernal: 'Being optimistic'
Witty, warm and enquiring, Sir David's last interview offers an insight into the life of the Mexican actor.
05 Oct 2013 16:11 GMT
Obit: Sir David Frost
The prime minister of Bangladesh makes the case for her country's controversial war crimes trials.
A look at some of the finest moments of Sir David's interviews, featuring highlights with some of his best known guests.
An insight into the life of the man who has the ability to change the virtual and real world for the better.
The chess grandmaster says the key to his success has not only been his talent but his discipline and intuition.
An extraordinary insight into the life and career of one of the world's best known sportsmen.
An intimate, occasionally sad and frequently humorous insight into the life of one of the world's best known authors.
A fascinating insight into one of classical music's best known and most controversial characters.
Sir David Frost travels to Los Angeles to meet the astronaut who became the second person to walk on the moon.
Previous episodes
Israel's president discusses Jewish settlements and insists Palestinians are victims of their own mistakes.
By The Frost Interview
Sir David Frost meets the scientist who first sequenced the human genome and went on to create artificial life.
By The Frost Interview
Sir David Frost travels to Havana, Cuba, to meet the world's most celebrated male ballet dancer in his homeland.
By The Frost Interview
Life, love, food and film as seen through the eyes of one of India's leading ladies.
By The Frost Interview
The former leader of East Timor on his remarkable journey from activist to politician to Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
By The Frost Interview
One of the most influential Palestinians discusses his fears for the future of both Palestinians and Israel.
By The Frost Interview
The Nobel laureate on his role in South Africa's struggle against apartheid and his alarm over recent developments.
By The Frost Interview
The famous Beatles songwriter and musician speaks to Sir David Frost about his life in the spotlight.
By The Frost Interview
The Frost Interview

Sir David Frost 1939-2013

The veteran British journalist and broadcaster worked with Al Jazeera English since its launch seven years ago - first with Frost Over the World, and more recently with The Frost Interview

When, in 2012, Sir David launched The Frost Interview - a series of intimate hour-long sessions - it marked a return to his "Nixon-style" roots - interviews of depth with leading personalities. 

"What was remarkable about Sir David was his ability to put any interviewee at ease - from the most high and mighty to an ordinary person in the street. He found interest in anybody. Whoever he was interviewing would realise that Sir David was genuinely interested in them and their lives." Charlie Courtauld, series editor of Frost Over the World. 

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