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  1. Amazing amazing amazing use of clip art on this Chinese police sign. Amazing.

  2. That headline only makes sense if you already know the entire story. Most people don’t.

  3. I love the NY Times but I will never understand their obsession with vague, abstract, obfuscatory headlines

  4. cc: ’s legal team RT : FYI here is a running list of everything I instapaper, aka 'Good Stuff'

  5. These are the three big reasons that Ukraine’s protests are back – and unlikely to go away

  6. Worked for Mubarak. RT blakehounshell: Sure. The storm. RT : Christie declares State of Emergency due to winter storm

  7. I accidentally clicked “open all bookmarks” so the day is over now.

  8. Can’t wait for the inevitable overwrought thinkpieces. RT : Pussy Riot coming to Brooklyn next month.

  9. Sort of amazing how news of the industrial slaughter of 11,000 Syrians was only like, a one day story, huh?

  10. RT : Governments are not monoliths. Some intel contact, if it happened, does not necessarily reflect wholesale change in policy

  11. You'll Never Believe What I'll Do To You If You Keep Tweeting Upworthy Links

  12. Super helpful RT : Five big questions about the massive chemical spill in West Virginia

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