For the Central African Republic, hope takes female form

Catherine Samba-Panza was named the country’s interim president on Monday, with hopes that she could help restore some order in the violence-torn country.


Leadership scholar named new dean of Harvard College

Leadership scholar named new dean of Harvard College

Rakesh Khurana will become the first faculty member with an appointment at the business school to take on the role.

Wall Street eases up on junior bankers, a little

Wall Street eases up on junior bankers, a little

Several major investment banks have recently announced changes to junior bankers’ work schedules.

Women-owned hedge funds outperform the market

Women-owned hedge funds outperform the market

A new study attributes that to two main reasons.

Analysis, Arguments & Advice

Getting rid of guilt

Getting rid of guilt

Guilt is the great hobbler for women. Only when we get rid of it will we make the last great leap to gender equality.

Managing a bigger workload with fewer employees

Managing a bigger workload with fewer employees

Advice for federal leaders on how to minimize the fallout from heavy workloads, given the many staff reductions in agencies.

Can you teach a businessman to be ethical?

Can you teach a businessman to be ethical?

In an interesting twist, creative people cheat more than others, because they are better at finding self-serving justifications.


On running the EPA

On running the EPA

An interview with deputy administrator Robert Perciasepe.

Training a new generation of special agents

Training a new generation of special agents

“In the next five years, the attrition rate among our special agents is going to increase to roughly 40 percent.“

Science of Leadership

Just the right level of narcissism to be successful

Just the right level of narcissism to be successful

New research looks at how much ego is too much for leaders, and how little is too little.

Why we need more women at the bottom, as well as the top

Why we need more women at the bottom, as well as the top

New research on the financial returns of gender diversity.

The addictive power of money

The addictive power of money

Economic research tends to find that an object’s value goes down as quantity goes up. But a new study shows a wrinkle in that theory.

Glass-ceiling update

Glass-ceiling update

A snapshot of women in leadership positions across sectors.

Your boss likes her job more than you do

Your boss likes her job more than you do

Being in charge has its perks: More money, more control, more power. And apparently, more job satisfaction.

A link between female leaders and higher GDP

A link between female leaders and higher GDP

A new study found this correlation particularly in countries that have a lot of ethnic strife.

The Reading List

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