SSL Search

Searching over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) provides you with a more secure and private search experience. If it is not on by default, you can use SSL Search by navigating to (note the "s" in "https", meaning "secure").

How SSL helps protect your data 

Google Search uses SSL to encrypt the connection between your computer and Google to help prevent intermediary parties, like internet cafes, ISPs, and wifi hotspots, from intercepting or interfering with your search activities. For supported browsers, Google may use this option by default.


While SSL helps protect your search results, which may include personal information from other Google services, it does not provide complete security against all potential risks (such as viruses and malware). When searching over SSL, it is still good to keep online safety best practices in mind.

Additionally, while SSL encrypts the information you see on Google's search results page and your login information, it does not always protect:

  • The fact that you visited
  • The search terms that you typed

For example, when you visit another website from the Google search results page, that website may be able to identify what site you came from or the search terms that you used.

Disabling SSL

If you are a school or organization where SSL interferes with parental controls, monitoring programs, or auditing software, learn more about SSL Search for Schools.