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For support please email us at contact AT trilightzone DOT org. We created a document for windows / linux users on how to create their ssh tunnels, this document you can request by email. It's in pdf format with screenshots.

We compiled a general FAQ which will be updated regularly with common questions & answers.

General Services FAQ.

Note: Based on many of the questions we receive the following Q & A section has been made.

Q: Can I browse the web anonymously with your services ?
A: Yes, this is one of the core services we offer.

Q: What is the difference between the VPN solution and SSH Tunnel solution ?
A: In a nutshell the VPN solution is specifically easy and perfect to anonymize all your internet traffic instantly in a couple of steps. It is equally secure and since it's OpenVPN you are assured of software which is opensource, free of backdoors and secure. The SSH Tunnel solution is an advanced shell account which is usually ordered by clients who need the features like running a BNC, Eggdrop, develop linux programs and other usage while the surfing part is only secondary to them. The SSH service requires each application to be separately setup to make use of a surfing tunnel through one of the internal proxies. The similarities of the SSH service and the VPN are only the surfing feature, the rest is totally different.

Q: Can I use SSH2 tunnels for other services too ?
A: Yes, they can be used for anything, ranging from IRC, MSN, FTP, P2P and so on. If you need assistance in setting up a tunnel then please contact us and we'll be there for you.

Q: Do you offer VPN solutions ?
A: Yes, please check the VPN section in our services page. Our VPN solution is based on the known opensource OpenVPN project offering one of the best types of encryption and reliability. In case you wonder why we don't use the PPTP based VPN solutions this is because of its insecurities and proven weak encryption. It would be against our vision to offer such flawed service to unknowing clients while they rely on us for their privacy !

Q: Do you log like some service providers ?
A: No, we don't log your surfing behaviour and, for example, which connections you make from our servers to an address. This means we do not keep a log of which sites you visit, what you do online or the contents of any transmission. We believe in the ideal that people have the right to enjoy privacy and more anonymity as they wish. Despite the harsh climate for privacy nowadays there are still enough laws in many countries which even prevent providers from simply logging the activities of people without requirement to state this to their users. If we did keep such logs we'd feel required by our own ethics to state this to our users and process it in our policies section. There are no second chances for those who especially depend on us to protect their privacy as it could endanger their real life situation. You might ask yourself if it means that criminals can do whatever they want without consequences ? The answer is no; such person might get away the first time since we don't log but if we receive serious complaints we'll investigate realtime until we find the account responsible and take appropriate measures. We have no tolerance for criminal behaviour like for example childporn, phishing, scamming and spamming.
Q: I am a wireless user, do your anonymous internet services also protect me ?
A: Yes, because all your traffic is encrypted and passing through the tunnel. This means no matter what is captured by a malicious entity it cannot be read because of encryption.
Q: Can I also securely send/receive email anonymously ?
A: If you're using the SSH Privacy service you can do that as it includes a basic email service with a SSL enabled webmail feature. Feel free to check out also our Secure eMail service which offers advanced features like PGP encryption, encrypted filestorage and much more. All our hosting accounts come with standard email services too.

Q: What are email aliases ?
A: These are email addresses which you can use to protect your real email address from spam and other malicious aims.

Your real email address is, you can create an alias like When people send email to these aliases they are automatically forwarded to your real email account. This account can be any account you wish, it doesn't need to be your secure email account but can be any external account you wish.
Q: What exactly do you mean with anonymous ?
A: This is for every one different but it means, in this case, that your real IP cannot be seen by any site or service you visit/use. When sending email then the only IP which is shown at the recipient is Or when you download something then the only IP visible is the IP of one of our servers.
Q: What reasons could I have to use your services ?
A: Many reasons exist, think of avoiding direct contact with malicious sites/services trying to infect or break into your computer. You can use service features like aliases which can be thrown away when not needed anymore keeping your main email-address free from spam and other malicious contents. Your provider or some entity is logging your traffic is also a good reason to use our VPN or SSH solutions. For special needs like business, travellers and others we are one of the best privacy solution providers outthere.
Q: What is Privoxy ?
A: Privoxy is a proxy which can act as a bridge between another proxy/destination and you, filtering contents for malicious code, popups,advertisements which you can encounter on websites you're visiting.
Q: What are the advantages of your Offshore Hosting Services ?
A: We offer offshore hosting in multiple jurisdictions which allows your personal / business needs to be in a country where they are allowed or do not break any law. Feel free to contact us for advise when choosing a jurisdiction for your offshore privacy requirements.

Q: What is Squid Proxy ?
A: An extended proxy which you can use just like privoxy over your ssh tunnel to access websites and other services. This is especially handy if you already have protecting software on your computer and don't want to use privoxy.
Q: Can I create a tunnel to a specific port on some machine ?
A: Yes, all your traffic will go encrypted over the tunnel to the destination port of some machine you specified.
Q: What tools can I use to create the tunnels ?
A: All linux/unix-type distributions have a ssh client you can use to create encrypted tunnels. For windows you can use Putty and others which are free or commercial.
Q: Do you provide also extra services like consultancy and custom solutions ?

A: Yes, you can hire us for a fair price to troubleshoot, setup or solve technical issue's you might be dealing with and need professionals on your side.

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