Ed Rogers
PostPartisan Contributor

Ed Rogers is a contributor to the PostPartisan blog, and a veteran of the White House and several national campaigns. He is the chairman of the lobbying and communications firm BGR Group, which he founded with former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour in 1991. Rogers has been involved with numerous Republican political campaigns, including the presidential campaigns of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. In the first Bush White House, he reported to chief of staff John Sununu. In the Reagan White House, he worked in the office of political affairs.

Latest by Ed Rogers

Rick Perry deserves a second look by the GOP

Rick Perry deserves a second look by the GOP

Texas Governor Rick Perry has been turning heads this week by beating expectations, from his speech at CPAC 2014 to his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Sebelius happy talk makes it worse for Democrats

Sebelius happy talk makes it worse for Democrats

The HHS secretary’s denials and delays of Obamacare are inflaming voters, which will not help Democrats in November.

The Democrats’ disconnect on global warming

The Democrats’ disconnect on global warming

Just who were the Democrats trying to reach with their talk-a-thon on climate change?

What CPAC does and does not teach us

What CPAC does and does not teach us

The young student profile of the CPAC crowd makes it easy to suggest that CPAC says something about the future of the Republican party. But in fact, a lot of the attendees were College Republicans, who are traditionally an angrier, more libertarian shard of the party.