"The customer panel we've built using Confirmit means it's now possible to create and deploy a rapid survey to a targeted group of customers, who we're confident fully understands the issues we need to talk about."
by Market Research Manager, Alitalia

Alitalia: Insight in the Air

Alitalia drives loyalty by using a customer panel compiled of its most regular customers. The company uses experiential feedback from these customers to improve and enhance all the factors that make up the in-flight experience, ensuring these customer remain loyal to the airline.

A Customer Panel has to Remain Up-to-date at all Times to Ensure Accuracy.

Alitalia's Voice of the Customer program focuses on the tiny details that make or break customer experiences. This meant that it needed constantly updated passenger information to ensure it asked the right questions of the right customers.

Confirmit's Voice of the Customer solution has enabled Alitalia to make tiny tweaks to its service which combined to make a real difference to the loyal customer it regularly serves.

  • A regular feed from the CRM system ensures that the panel is always up-to-date with recent passenger details.
  • Automatic deployment of customer loyalty surveys ensures a response rate of 65%, providing clear insight into the customer experience.
  • Timely surveys ensure customers recollect the components they're asked to comment on, from meals to in-flight entertainment.
  • Clear reporting dashboards power decision-making, ensuring that any enhancements to the service will drive customer loyalty further, create positive word-of-mouth, and generate ROI.

Confirmit's Solution Provided:

  • Advanced Panel Solution: Confirmit's panel product enables Alitalia to manage the frequency of contact and ensure customers receive the surveys that are best suited to them.
  • Integration: The process of keeping the panel is automated via a link to Alitalia's CRM system, reducing cost and overhead.