Voice of the Customer Solutions

The Voice of the Customer is key to delivering strong customer experiences that enable your business to grow profitably, increase customer loyalty, and enhance your reputation.

Making the Voice of the Customer Shout Louder

Confirmit's robust platform, and engagement model, Confirmit Voices ensure that you deliver your Voice of the Customer surveys at the right time, in the right place, and through the right channel.

  • Create a multi-channel VoC program that matches your business channels, ensuring you capture all customer experiences accurately.
  • Improve your operations daily by identifying where to enhance processes that frustrate customers, prevent upselling, and create negative word of mouth.
  • Turn feedback into an active, operational part of your decision-making process, and increase revenues by identifying key areas for investment.
  • Incorporate the Voice of the Employee to provide an informed frontline view of your customer experiences.

The Integrated Voice of the Customer

To derive real insight from your VoC program, you need a holistic view that incorporates more than simple survey results.

  • Integrate your customer experience program by using Confirmit to pull in additional data, such as CRM data, to build a clear view of customers.
  • Create a dialog with customers by not only asking them for their feedback at key Moments of Truth, but by acting on that feedback and telling customers what you've done.
  • Operationalize feedback by sharing it across the business and making it a key part of the day-to-day decisions that drive your company forward.
  • Correlate customer engagement and employee engagement so you can understand where to invest in your people to maximize ROI.

The Most Comprehensive VoC Platform Available

  • Multichannel: Collect customer feedback through web, mobile, SMS, telephone, and paper. All your Voice of the Customer survey data will appear in a single view, so no silos.
  • Text analytics: Confirmit can quickly and easily derive value from simple answers and customer comments, providing you with the detailed insight you need to act quickly.
  • Alerts Management: Alerts ensure you can move quickly when action is needed. Stakeholders have an immediate view into which customers or customer groups are at risk of defecting.
  • Tailored Dashboards: Stakeholders across your business see only the data they need to see, so store managers see local results about their branch, while your CEO has a window into the global picture and what's being said about your company.