Catalog Record: Fray Juan Crespi, missionary explorer on the Pacific coast, 1769-1774 | Hathi Trust Digital Library


Fray Juan Crespi, missionary explorer on the Pacific coast, 1769-1774, by Herbert Eugene Bolton.

Main Author: Crespí, Juan, 1721-1782.
Other Authors: Brower, Robert Weldon. , Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 1870-1953., Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 1870-1953.
Language(s): English
Published: Berkeley, Calif., University of California press, 1927.
Subjects: Franciscans > California
Missions > California.
Pacific Coast > Discovery and exploration.
Note: "Crespi's diaries are printed here as the primary part of this book. They have never before been assembled in one volume or published as a separate work. They were scattered through the tomes of Palóu's New California, and are here reprinted from my English edition of that treatise (Berkeley, 1926), with the addition of several important hitherto unpublished documents, a special introduction, and editiorial notes."--Pref.
Physical Description: 2 p. l., iii-lxiv p., 1 l., 402 p. front., plates, maps, facsim. 23 cm.
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