Map of Muscat (Seeb) in Oman

Muscat (Seeb) Climate

Muscat (Seeb) is the capital city of Oman which is in the huge continent of Asia.

Best time to visit Muscat (Seeb)

The best time to visit Muscat (Seeb) will be when the average temperatures are at a comfortable level (between 20°C / 68.0°F and 30°C / 86.0°F on average) which is during months January, February, March, April, October, November and December. However, there are other good times to visit Muscat (Seeb), but it will be little hotter (for Muscat (Seeb) this is between 30°C / 86.0°F and 40°C / 104.0°F on average). These are during months May, June, July, August and September.

The hottest time of year in Muscat (Seeb) is in June when it is 35.15°C / 95.3°F on average, but could get up to 40°C / 104.0°F maximum. On the other hand, the coldest time of year in Muscat (Seeb) is in January when it is 20.9°C / 69.6°F on average, but could get down to 16.7°C / 69.6°F minimum.

  • Freezing months: 0 (0°C / 32.0°F and below)
  • Cold months: 0 (0°C / 32.0°F to 10°C / 50.0°F)
  • Cool months: 0 (10°C / 50.0°F to 20°C / 68.0°F)
  • Warm months: 7 (20°C / 68.0°F to 30°C / 86.0°F)
  • Hot months: 5 (30°C / 86.0°F to 40°C / 104.0°F)
  • Boiling months: 0 (40°C / 104.0°F and above)

Muscat (Seeb) Climate Chart

Below are the climate charts for Muscat (Seeb) which resides in Oman.

Temperature tables

The first table is for the average temperatures across the year in degrees Celsius. The cells that are BLUE show the coldest months and the cells that are PINK show the hottest months.

Average Temperature in °C20.922.124.929.4534.1535.1534.0531.931.229.425.5522.55
Max Temperature in °C25.126.429.534.739.6403835.635.634.630.326.8
Min Temperature in °C16.717.820.324.228.730.330.128.226.824.220.818.3

This second table is for the average temperatures across the year in degrees Fahrenheit. Cells in BLUE are the coldest months and cells in PINK are the hottest months.

Average Temperature in °F69.671.876.885.093.595.393.389.488.284.978.072.6
Max Temperature in °F77.279.585.194.5103.3104.0100.496.196.194.386.580.2
Min Temperature in °F62.164.068.575.683.786.586.282.880.275.669.464.9

Rainfall figures

This table is for the amount of rainfall (both in millimetres and inches) and number of rainy days in Muscat (Seeb) throughout the year.

Total rainfall in MM13.21416.411.3010.93.41.600.81.616.5
Total rainfall in Inches0.
Total number of rainy days3.
Chances of rain10.3%9.6%6.1%4.7%0.3%0.3%1.0%1.9%0.0%0.6%2.3%4.5%

Muscat (Seeb) Climate Graph

Below is a climate graph for Muscat (Seeb), Oman. It shows the average temperatures throughout the year in degrees Celsius and also the average total rainfall in millimetres for each month.

Muscat (Seeb) Climate Graph with temperatures in °C and rainfall in millimetres

Below is a climate graph for Muscat (Seeb), Oman with the average temperatures throughout the year in Fahrenheit and also the average total rainfall in inches for each month.

Muscat (Seeb) Climate Graph with temperatures in °F and rainfall in inches