Eric Yoder

Eric Yoder is a veteran Washington journalist who has written about government, business, law, sports and other topics. He has reported (and researched) for The Washington Post since 2000, concentrating on federal employee issues, the budget and other government policies. He also is the award-winning author of three books of short mysteries for children.

Latest by Eric Yoder

How salaries compare by gender for federal employees

How salaries compare by gender for federal employees

Women working for the federal government earn less than men overall but the gap is shrinking, an OPM report finds.

No housing stipend for Congress, committee decides

House Appropriations Committee members reject an idea from Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) to pay for housing.

Is it time to pay Congress more?

Is it time to pay Congress more?

Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) believes it’s time for members of Congress to receive more compensation, but one committee disagrees.

Parties clash over Ryan budget plan

Parties clash over Ryan budget plan

Three days of debate open on Rep. Paul Ryan’s last fiscal plan, which would cut $5 trillion.